Example sentences of "[verb] whether " in BNC.

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1 Drinkers have a right to know whether the beer they are drinking is a genuine barley malt product or whether it is stuffed full of such tasty ingredients as corn syrup , propylene glycol alginate , amyloglucosidase , papain enzymes and potassium metabisulphite .
2 It 's still hard to know whether I 've saved them all , but at least I know I 've done my best .
3 However , it was a pity that Greg Lewin was interviewed by somebody only knowledgeable about corncrakes ; it would have been interesting to know whether Greg has done anything about the diabolical fingering needed on the ancient form of the racket .
4 Few people would wish to deny a woman 's right to know whether the baby she is carrying is disabled , and to decide — with counselling if needed - whether she wants to have it .
5 You need to know whether your potential accountant could undertake royalty examinations , and if he or she has colleagues in other countries to assist with international tax problems at very short notice .
6 Masterman claimed that by this means Britain ‘ actively ran and controlled the German espionage system in this country ’ Readers of the present book will be interested to know whether Professor Hinsley corroborated this .
7 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
8 ‘ As a driver who is generally considered as being more level-headed than most , I want to know whether there is any danger of me being banned for two months if I have an accident here at Phoenix .
9 Samuel Butler offers his readers a helpful hint : ‘ to know whether you are enjoying a piece of music or not , you must see whether you find yourself looking at the advertisement of Pears soap at the end of the programme ’ .
10 They want to know whether today 's men are better fathers , whether men will ever open up at the breakfast table , whether male impotence is on the rise , whether men suffer from their own form of menopause , whether men will cultivate any interest in pastimes more enlightened than football and snooker .
11 I wanted to know whether it would affect the pH of my soil .
12 He was wanting to know whether he could expect you for lunch . ’
13 She wished to know whether the descendants of the trout that used to inhabit the pond inhabited it now .
14 I was in a fever of vicarious excitement , looking at street plans of Florence and trying to remember the name of a boy I 'd met in the Boboli Gardens in 1961 , but friends and relations were wanting to know whether I had really vetted the family , whether I 'd like to hear a selection of au pair horror stories , and whether I 'd made good any gaps in my daughter 's domestic skills .
15 The voters have the right to know whether his heart is in it , or whether it 's a con .
16 Lines were often cut by shell fire , and in repairing them it was not easy to know whether one was joining one 's own line or one of the enemy 's .
17 This reader , for one , would be jolly interested to know whether Georges Simenon had an alibi for the rest of that night in 1922 .
18 Trent would have liked to know whether their meeting in Frankfurt had been deliberate on the American 's part .
19 Comparison of ‘ An Ode on Mercy ’ in the first volume and the version printed with the subscription proposals also reveals differences , though again it is difficult to know whether the editor of that volume was following Leapor 's manuscript in preference to a version corrected possibly by Garrick .
20 We , er , we 're naturally concerned to know whether there are , er , people working here who have a direct contact with the newspaper that first reported the child 's birth and linked it with Dr. Briant 's work . ’
21 ‘ That is n't really relevant , I suppose , though it would be interesting to know whether you inherited the trait . ’
22 From the outside it is difficult to know whether to curse Bramante 's decision to demolish the original church — apart from the internal apse structure and the ( later ) campanile , — or to marvel at the soaring lines .
23 For them to know whether they can do this , they need to have full information on the hardware you are using .
24 The obvious problem with the designs of these experiments is that it is impossible to know whether the difference observed in the test depends on positive transfer in the distinctiveness group , negative transfer in the equivalence group , or both of these .
25 A delegation of the residents complained that they were not getting the priority in rehousing which had been promised them and demanded to know whether or not they would be moved before the winter .
26 He turned to his sons demanding to know whether there was or was not to be a baptism party that night , and whether or not I would be the only white present .
27 Once it became possible to lower a patient 's blood pressure substantially , it was not merely of academic interest to know whether the raised blood pressure was really ‘ essential ’ , that is necessary to maintain a sufficient flow of blood through narrowed arteries to vital organs , and , if it was , whether modest treatment ( to ward off the obvious hazards of strokes or heart failure ) could be tolerated .
28 Kathryn , who is married with an 18-month-old daughter , said she was just curious to know whether these experiences could be connected with reincarnation and says that at times : ‘ I feel restless , a sort of sad yearning for what could have been a past life . ’
29 They also wish to know whether punishment — be it physical or psychological — is of any use whatsoever .
30 For example , if the person is severely incapacitated and has difficulty in mobilising , it can be important to know whether , when at home , it is necessary to go upstairs to the toilet .
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