Example sentences of "[verb] provide " in BNC.

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1 Michel Perie , the boisterous young Toulon prop whose domination of Pascal Ondarts helped provide a platform for his side 's victory , holds aloft the Championship trophy .
2 He thought , but did not say , that murder provided its own dreadful excitement for those who neither mourned nor were directly concerned and that people were commonly indulgent to those who helped provide the entertainment .
3 It was work completed in Alaska which helped provide a clue to the nature of the problem at BA-1 , explains head of production technology Lindsay Brown .
4 Thanks to all the teachers from Inner Kent who helped provide a lovely tea at the training day .
5 Those involved with ACET are now helping provide home care for one in four of all those dying with AIDS in the UK and up to 4,000 school pupils a month are now receiving education on the subject .
6 Ironically , crime is helping provide legitimate employment for 420,000 people battling AGAINST it .
7 AU this helped provide a favourable climate for imperial sport — Test matches , rugby tours , and ultimately the institution of the Empire Games itself .
8 Then , coupled with the telecommunications advances that popularised wide area networks ( WANs ) by easing access to remote information sources ( such as private and public databases ) , the LAN helped provide the infrastructure necessary for the MIS to be developed into the executive information system ( EIS ) .
9 ( At particular historical periods political ideology helped provide a unifying force for labour , instilling a sense of perspective and purpose beyond the mere rectification of current grievances . )
10 ( 22 ) Weld contributed to the anti-slavery convictions of such men as … , and helped provide ideas which underlay Harriet Beecher Stow 's Uncle Tom 's Cabin .
11 To help provide a local response to a global problem .
12 The initial talks with the unions dealt with grievances such as working conditions and pay , sweetened with the promise of Fr100m to fund immediate improvements — to help provide cheaper accommodation for Paris workers , for example .
13 In view of the size of the commitment , an outside catering contractor had to be called in to help provide lunch for 1,400 people in a large marquee on the garrison sports ground .
14 To help provide variety for the UN battalion , as well as refresher training , troops of twenty-six soldiers will embark on two weeks of Adventurous and Military Training .
15 But the large-scale manufacture of plastics after World War 11 encouraged FAO to sponsor the development of cheap , large , plastic nets , which were originally intended to help provide additional sources of protein for developing countries .
16 Included in the deal would be $4 billion worth of emergency loans from the Export-Import Bank of Japan to help provide the Soviet Union with consumer goods .
17 MI5 was then advised that Crabb had presumably drowned and was asked to help provide a suitable cover story .
18 What is crucial for the Government is not only to help provide jobs but to be seen to want to be doing that .
19 Please pray that we as a mission will be able to help provide the Christians there with the Christian literature that they need .
20 ‘ When college students set about doing business , they can do little to help provide raw materials and consumer goods at fair prices for thousands of people ’ .
21 The ragpickers video is being used by Concern for the Working Child to help provide safe night shelters for the children , basic medical care , and centres where the children can go for guidance and support .
22 Some were forcibly settled there by government directives , imported to help provide food resources for the remote garrison settlements .
23 According to Rowthorn , multinational B 's operating unit in nation state l might be appropriated by the left government and sold off to help provide funds with which to compensate multinational A for the appropriation of its operating unit in nation state 2 ( in order to reduce the chances of direct counter-revolutionary intervention by other states ) .
24 Whatever people might think about DHSS money , what it has meant in practice is that the global sum of money to help provide for the needs of people with dementia or other long-term needs is much greater than it would have been if they were not attracting DHSS supplementation .
25 During her time at social services she had overseen much of the work , and had been involved in some of the preliminary work setting up housing associations to help provide much needed accommodation for the elderly .
26 The Know How Fund exists to help provide advice and expertise to support the transition of Central and Eastern European countries towards market economies .
27 To help provide a sharper focus to current policy debates , and in preparation for a larger study of the effects of teacher education , this project will establish an up-to-date database on the nature of a range of approaches to initial teacher education .
28 Western observers commented that Gorbachev was apparently looking to religion to help provide the spiritual renewal which he saw as an essential part of perestroika .
29 A minimum of four is needed on the day to prepare and serve and as many as possible to help provide cakes etc .
30 The UK has agreed to help provide further research and technical assistance into sustainable logging .
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