Example sentences of "[verb] indeed " in BNC.

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1 It was these communities that saw the greatest pattern of change during the middle ages although , with a couple of notable exceptions , this was a very long process indeed but with some sudden shifts of direction .
2 Yes , I think that the crucial thing that 's emerging , especially from the area of artificial intelligence , is that we 're beginning to understand that what the name of the game is getting people to express their intentions , and for a long time we 've been , as it were , stuck in languages that do n't really help you to do that and we 're really beginning to understand now that erm what people are doing when they program indeed , I mean as it were the ace programmers , are expressing their intention for whatever 's to be done in the task the computer 's to perform clearly .
3 Raskolnikov is young , preoccupied and merely puzzled — ‘ young , abstract and therefore cruel ’ , the severe voice of the novel descries him elsewhere — but the reader attends in tragic wonder , for he understands that Marmeladov has indeed nowhere to go , a nowhere which is the finality of his loose end , at once in character , at once personal to the selfish selfless rationale of one man 's marriage and his other circumstances , personal to his ‘ destitution ’ or ‘ extremity ’ or ‘ misère ’ ( nishcheta , which he is careful to distinguish from his poverty ) , and at the same time an objective and transpersonal theme running through all Dostoevsky 's work .
4 One commentator has indeed thought he found an echo of Dryden 's translation of Aeneid 2 , 417-20 , in the opening lines of Canto 4 ; but I am persuaded by later scholars that the case is untenable .
5 The latest CBI surveys suggest that more stockbuilding has indeed occurred , although not on a scale sufficient to explain the trade figures .
6 But , even assuming , first , that the oppression has indeed been lifted , second , that we can speak of , and know , a time when that desire was ever free , and third , that we can speak meaningfully of a ‘ natural ’ or a ‘ liberated ’ desire ( and my argument questions all three assumptions ) , even assuming all this , liberated desire would still always be different from its pre-oppression counterpart .
7 Time has indeed changed .
8 The People 's Militia has indeed been busy ripping down posters put up by the Civic Forum in factories and elsewhere .
9 Although the incidental catch of dolphins in the purse-seine yellowfin tuna fishery in the ETP has indeed been greatly reduced since the 1960s , so also have the numbers of dolphins .
10 BR has indeed become more commercial over the past decade .
11 Returning Edward the proofs of his book , Helen commented : ‘ This has indeed been a fair spring for us , though they had made it a winter .
12 But to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear yours , to be mingling identities with you as it were , — the vision-wearing fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but hope never dared whisper a promise .
13 This has indeed usually been the case : for instance , in ancient Greece where the value of a silver coin was generally 5 per cent greater than an equivalent weight of silver ( to cover costs of minting and profit to the mint ) .
14 It was a wonderful politico-Freudian slip : London has indeed treated Northern Ireland as a foreign or colonial problem , looking for almost every ‘ solution ’ along the lines proconsuls and diplomatists have practised across the globe these past decades .
15 The upshot is that there has indeed been a battle of ideas — and the Conservatives have won it .
16 There has indeed been a trend towards smaller mental handicap hospitals .
17 To live in a beautiful country & to inure myself as much as possible to the labors of the field , have been for this year past my dream of the day , my Sigh at midnight — but to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear your 's , to be mingling identities with you , as it were ; — the vision-weaving Fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but Hope never dared whisper a promise ! ’
18 They can be plotted against the explanatory variable ( here time ) once more , to see if all the trend has indeed been extracted ; this is discussed in the next section , under the heading ‘ reroughing ’ .
19 The X-ray machine has indeed become the Twentieth Century oracle .
20 There can be little doubt that , in terms of property development , the LDDC has indeed presided over a dramatic transformation in London 's Docklands .
21 Dr. John Whitcomb , professor of Theology and Old Testament at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake , Indiana , summed it up very well when on page 52 of his book ‘ The Early Earth ’ , he wrote , ‘ the testimony of an honest evolutionist could be expressed in terms of Hebrews 11:3 as follows , ‘ By faith , I , an evolutionist , understand that the worlds were not framed by the word of any god , so that what is seen has indeed been made out of previously existing and less complex visible things , by purely natural processes through billions of years ’ . ’
22 This procedure has indeed been successful .
23 A positive correlation has indeed been reported between the number of prescriptions for psychotropic drugs issued by general practitioners in England and Wales and the rate of deliberate self-poisoning , and it has been estimated that a reduction of 1000 psychotropic prescriptions would be associated with 3.8 fewer admissions as a result of deliberate self-poisoning ( Forster and Frost 1985 ) .
24 When there are many sunspots on the sun 's face , the sun should be slightly dimmer , and the SMM radiometer has indeed detected this effect .
25 For the conclusion reached by Dunham 's team was that the Sun has indeed been shrinking and that its radius — or , strictly speaking , half the measured angular diameter — has contracted by 0.34 seconds of arc over 264 years .
26 This has indeed been shown for some chemicals , but the usual effect is to lower resistance to disease , rather than to make allergies more likely .
27 He has indeed shorn-off the dreads .
28 For Rio has indeed been cleaned up ; not only through the grisly environmental ‘ improvements ’ — the murder of its street-children — but by constant clearances of the poor , exiled to vast cities on the periphery : down the long , dangerous ten-lane concrete canyon of the Avenida do Brasil .
29 The Queen goes on : ‘ It has indeed been a sombre year .
30 As some of you may have heard me observe , it has indeed been a sombre year .
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