Example sentences of "[verb] available " in BNC.

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1 When the level of parenting available to a child is bad enough to make it appropriate for the state to intervene on his or her behalf , long-term planning to ensure continuing of good-quality substitute parenting should be essential .
2 And as the market process unfolds , with one period of market ignorance followed by another in which ignorance has been somewhat reduced , each buyer or seller revises his bids and offers in the light of his newly acquired knowledge of the alternative opportunities which those to whom he may wish to sell , or from whom he may wish to buy , can expect to find available elsewhere in the market .
3 If the symptoms of a latent miasmatic state appear , the remedy should be changed suitably and if a nosode is chosen then the centesimal scale will have to be used as except for Bacillunum these are not available in fifty millesimal form ( the Helios Pharmacy now has most nosodes available as LM 's ) .
4 In countries where too much moisture is more likely than too little , such as in northern Europe , steps are often taken to have portable shelters or covers available to keep parts of the site dry , and in some cases temporary structures are built to cover the whole site for the duration of the excavation .
5 Where is the antibody test available ?
6 Where is the antibody test available ?
7 there is a danger of poorly utilising available resources due to lack of forward planning and co-ordination between services .
8 Each primary nurse will ‘ negotiate ’ the need for resources by liaising with her or his immediate manager , utilising available assessment tools such as Waterlow scores and pain charts to support any requests for equipment .
9 Types of signing available for education
10 Having said that , we can begin to distinguish the difference in type and , therefore , the difference in application of the methods of signing available .
11 But also , he has available to him all the vast resources of libraries which can provide him with books , pamphlets , research reports , theses , journals , conference reports , and so on .
12 The human conscience should be respected and revered as the most precious and effective thing that the human race , in its struggle to civilise itself , has available , and it can be used only by giving it the utmost priority in child training .
13 artwork given , though the constructor making his own board can easily adapt the artwork to accept any component which he has available , provided that the electrical characteristics match those specified .
14 Older men are usually polygynous ; thus a youth rarely has available for marriage an age-mate female , and he must wait for a younger generation of females to mature before cohabitation with them .
15 As a means of encouraging customer and third party Management Information Base development , the consultancy has available MIB2 source code for System V.4 available free of charge to existing Agent customers .
16 Each workstation on the network can be set up to decide whether it will accept work being thrown at it , and tells the central manager what resources ( memory size , architecture and so forth ) that it has available for running jobs .
17 As a means of encouraging customer and third party Management Information Base development , the consultancy has available MIB2 source code for System V.4 available free of charge to existing Agent customers .
18 An innkeeper is however , only bound to supply that which he has available and is not under any duty to send out for further supplies in order to satisfy the traveller 's request .
19 EIB loans are usually made in the form of a ‘ cocktail ’ of several currencies , depending upon the currencies which the Bank has available at the time of the loan .
20 The Society has available hundreds of recipes suitable for use by vegetarians and will give advice and information to individuals or groups and will provide training to caterers who wish to offer vegetarian menus in their restaurants .
21 The speaker has available to him the full range of ‘ voice quality ’ effects ( as well as facial expression , postural and gestural systems ) .
22 In a manual drawing system the number of differing copies held within the store is limited by the physical effort and time that the draughtsman has available .
23 These work well , but it is probably better to hire drain clearing equipment rather than buying it — so your choice will depend very much on what the local hire shop has available .
24 The rest of the money that British Rail has available should be spent on projects that are desperately needed to provide jam today , not tomorrow , for the commuters who are paying British Rail for the services it offers today .
25 It runs under MS-DOS and LANs , Xenix and VMS and has available a comprehensive range of extra packages .
26 One aspect of word processing that the user has available in most programs is the facility to use FUNCTION KEYS on the keyboards ( e. g. these keys are in red on the BBC microcomputer and run from f0 to f9 ) .
27 The DSS says every claim is decided upon it 's merits and the amount of cash it has available in the social fund .
28 Murphy is insistent that one of the best people he has available to him is n't even on the payroll — his wife Lynne , who used to be in the PR industry herself .
29 The Festival has available a short guide to the venues used for Festival events .
30 There is a range of wall finishes available , so be prepared to hunt around for one you like or one which most closely matches your house .
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