Example sentences of "[noun] set " in BNC.

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1 ‘ … the designers set out deliberately to create a pedestrian dominated area … short culs-de-sac ( gave ) access to several small courtyards- , around which a half dozen or so houses were grouped quite informally .
2 In sum , I conclude from the whole of the considerations set out above that , whilst international law imposes certain obligations on the member states in point of the registration of vessels , they are fairly vague .
3 In the light of all the considerations set out above I propose that the court should rule as follows in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) .
4 As I see it , the considerations set out above and taken as a whole lead irresistibly to the conclusion that , when considering the expression ‘ any person ’ in the sections , it is impossible to identify any particular limitation which can be said , with any degree of confidence , to represent the presumed intention of Parliament .
5 Whether British experience has come anywhere near the good practice ideal enshrined in the OECD guidelines set out in Chapter Three can be seen from an examination of the principal design guidelines set out in its pages .
6 Whether British experience has come anywhere near the good practice ideal enshrined in the OECD guidelines set out in Chapter Three can be seen from an examination of the principal design guidelines set out in its pages .
7 As employers respond to the guidelines set out by the UKCC then parity of courses will emerge and budgets for courses will need to be arrived at in response to local situations .
8 The Department pledges its support to staff who work within the spirit of the Guidelines set out in this document , and will make it clear that as a Department we are not prepared to accept threats of intimidation and violence from that small number of clients who use such methods to manipulate their social environment or evade responsibility for their behaviour .
9 The initial appointment is for one year but may be cancelled in the event of a serious breach of the guidelines set out in the Tutors ' Handbook .
10 This should be carried out under the guidelines set out in the CFM for Quick Appraisals ( Chapter 5 ) .
11 The review should be carried out under the guidelines set out in the CFM for Quick Appraisals ( Chapter 5 ) .
12 The approval of the Animal Welfare Committee at the Durham VA Medical Center was obtained before all studies and care of animals conformed to the guidelines set out in the Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals .
13 Douglas Turner , of the RSSPCC , said key elements of the Orkney affair , such as the truth of the allegations , had never been properly investigated given the strict guidelines set for Lord Clyde 's inquiry .
14 In the gents loo , an old guy sits doing the Daily Record crossword while the red-faced clubbers wearing a mixture of sportsgear , the odd Happy Mondays G-Mex sweatshirt , ponchos and flares set to work on their hair with free gel and mousse .
15 Manufacturers set the bridles with a secure knotted loop at each of the spar attachments .
16 Wings rather short and narrow , legs set well back , giving upright stance at rest .
17 Rising to his feet , Vitor stood in front of the fireplace with his legs set apart and his arms folded .
18 All the bronzes set out in the Gardens of Bagatelle are on loan from the Henry Moore Foundation , with the exception of two : ‘ Draped Reclining Figure ’ , 1952–53 , from Time-Life International , London , and ‘ Reclining Figure ’ , 1982 , lent by the Fondation Pierre Gianadda , Martigny , Switzerland .
19 MEPs set out their agenda in European power game .
20 Only 100 years ago a zoo meant a series of caged animals set up exclusively for recreation .
21 Then , weary but triumphant , with sufficient guards set and scouting parties out to ensure that no possible rallying of the enemy endangered them , the victors were given one final item of news before they couched down to sleep .
22 He said that officials had now halved their projections of the number of Soviet Jews set to arrive in 1991 , and now expected some 200,000 , or only slightly more than in 1990 ( 185,000 ) .
23 In Marseilles he was laid up with his familiar fever ; at the Iles d'Hyères , near Nice , he found himself obliged to dance with the proprietress of a rough tavern to avoid embarrassing enquiries about his identity , while as always when the Stuarts set sail , the weather was appalling .
24 At first Daedalus sought a lubricating oil freezing at about 0°C , with some idea of boiling tons of it in vast kettles set up near ski slopes .
25 It made her think of bath night at Lyra Street ; of the ritual carrying-in of the tub and filling it from pans and kettles set to boil on bright red coals .
26 New shops set to open in Scarborough 's £30m Brunswick Pavilion shopping mall by Mothercare , Microbite Computers and outfitters Maze , will take the number of new jobs created in the centre to more than 200 .
27 Whilst the press must not overstep the bounds set , inter alia , for the ‘ protection of the reputation of others ’ , it is nevertheless incumbent on it to impart information and ideas on political issues just as on those in other areas of public interest .
28 Unfortunately , the aggregations are generally chosen for non-statistical reasons and so differ from data set to data set and are often unstable over time .
29 The object of the final analysis is to create a data set which contains , for each raster , the number of times it is simulated to be inside the areas resulting from the sequence of GIS operations .
30 This large data set , to which grid references have now been added , comprises information about nearly 40 000 individuals .
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