Example sentences of "[pers pn] make " in BNC.

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1 You shall perceive them make a mutual stand ,
2 Such clear-cut options rarely exist in practical politics , but the intractability of many rural problems and the growing cost of meeting them make clear-cut decisions necessary .
3 In other words , manners not only make the man , but lack of them make men into animals .
4 Keep them in their original containers and if you need to transfer them make sure they go into a new , labelled bottle or clean paper envelope .
5 Although it may seem like folly to invest in such buildings , many of them make perfectly good homes and buyers would be helping to preserve Britain 's heritage .
6 And a fair stab at it most of them make .
7 Accusations that have some truth to them make the most watertight defences of all .
8 Notices attached to them make this plain .
9 The diversification of the sciences and the theoretical changes within them make it extremely difficult to locate a unique set of principles by which harmony could be guaranteed .
10 The two of them make a right pair , sending messages , leaving notes you look at this , now ! ’
11 Then the fore and hind wings , bending under the additional stress of the turn , beat against one another making an audible rattle that you can easily hear as you sit watching them make their circuits over a pond .
12 Without doubt , close and loving physical contact between child and mother , or surrogate mother , promotes both physical and emotional well-being in the infant ; while cursory and uncomfortable handling , lack of communication and the signs of " non-loving " implicit in them make for the opposite .
13 ‘ I 've had them make up a bed for you .
14 It is natural to ask … why it is that countries have Constitutions , why most of them make the Constitution superior to the ordinary law , and , further , why Britain , at any rate , has no Constitution , in this sense , at all .
15 Poppa says I can go to London or Paris and have them make my trousseau if I want . ’
16 The most interesting thing for me was walking alone and quietly in the forest and listening to the birds singing , watching them make their nest and feed their chicks .
17 You 've probably seen some of these that are brushed , they get a very heavy brushing on them make almost into coats .
18 The ‘ Chelsea Diagnostic Mathematics Tests ’ ( Hart et al. , 1984 ) , which are based on this research , were designed to measure pupils ' levels of understanding and identify particular errors which each of them make .
19 The sheer numbers of them make it spectacular although there are no huge centrepiece fireworks .
20 The teachers ' accounts of what happened to them make disturbing reading .
21 It will be mainly concerned with pensions , education and health care , because there are well-developed private and occupational services in all three areas and because state services in them make up about three-quarters of state welfare spending .
22 ‘ Their foot shall slide in due time : for the day of their calamity is at hand , and the things that shall come upon them make haste . ’
23 This helps them assess the effects of changing those structures by allowing them make such changes directly through the virtual reality interface .
24 You 'd be surprised , some of them make bookings with the beautician and hairdresser even before they come on board . ’
25 Many of them make regular trips to the filmset where it was all put together , at Portmeirion in Wales .
26 they have a tendency to open them make them wider apart
27 Did , even with the few times my parents have gone away , I 've never held parties , I may of had a couple of mates round just to let them kip over or something , come back I 've never , ever held a party , I would n't , I respect them , well I mean I would n't respect them make , every er penny they earned in the last fifteen years gone into that house , they 've had one holiday in that time and erm , gorgeous house , no its a lovely house , full of nice stuff as well , I , I , I would n't dare have a party
28 It 's quite funny watching them make complete fools of themselves .
29 He sang If You Were the Only Girl in the World and he sang Help Me Make It Through the Night .
30 You 're going to help me make to make a birthday cake for Jim remember .
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