Example sentences of "[pers pn] chris " in BNC.

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1 I bought some last week did n't I Chris ?
2 Thank you very much , thank you Chris . .
3 It 's all beyond you Chris , I know !
4 Thank you Chris .
5 Did I tell you Chris 's wife were pregnant ?
6 I 've had half of it , there about I tell you Chris had leave got get a new carpet when kids have come back
7 Well I think , I think she 'll be that fed up being here all that time , she 'll be glad to get back to America to be quite honest with you Chris , what is there for her to do all that time ?
8 You Chris .
9 I went un he went under the waterfall with me did n't you Chris ?
10 Erm I know you brought it with you Chris , so it must
11 Have you got to take anybody with you Chris ?
12 I 'd like to take you Chris but it is a school night , I think it 's going to be , yo it 'll be ten o'clock before we got home .
13 You like weak tea do n't you Chris ?
14 You want Ribena do you Chris ?
15 Well then you could get the money off him Chris
16 I noticed you called him Chris again .
17 Do n't they Chris ?
18 Is it Chris I 'm dancing with ?
19 J.B. Oh yes , absolutely deliberately , to be respectable , because you know youth workers , well you know , what is it Chris ( the Community Deputy ) has got this phrase ‘ trendy , left wing , arty-farty bi-sexual ’ or something he says and I mean that 's the youth worker image is n't it ?
20 One of those you 've already met in detail in terms of kinetics as that was the idea of reaction was n't it Chris ?
21 Did you see it Chris ?
22 Yes , yes , he 's organised it Chris has had to go to work for two days this week .
23 said it was their lot , their friends that were doing it Chris , we did n't say they were going .
24 Use the soap properly , then give it Chris .
25 There are the , other ways of looking at it Chris .
26 It 's cos you enjoy our company so much in n it Chris ?
27 , he 's gone down , he 's looking for a penalty and it 's been given , the referee consulted the linesman , he looked at his nearside , it was who went in or was it Chris on David , the penalty award has been given by the referee , he looked to confirm it with the linesman on the nearside and that confirmation was all that he had needed to point to the spot .
28 I want it Chris .
29 Directed by her partner in Cowboy Films , Tim Pope , 35 , Miss Bryer , above , sister of much photographed television presenter Tania Bryer , tells me Chris Blackwell 's Island Pictures have paid Cowboy £80,000 for the the half-hour movie .
30 She had had the tiresome habit of subjecting her speech-writers to a sixth-form question and answer session along the lines of , ‘ Tell me Chris , what do you mean by ‘ liberty ’ ? ’ and it was not until the welcome arrival of a cheerful Denis at two-thirty in the morning that she could be persuaded to go to bed .
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