Example sentences of "[art] rest " in BNC.

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1 Three-quarters of the AIDS problem is in London and much of the rest in Scottish cities .
2 Staying a virgin till you meet the right person — also a virgin — and … staying faithful to that one person for the rest of your life .
3 Aim at having only 1 sexual partner for the rest of your life
4 ‘ ACET is working in this field because , like Jesus , they are getting alongside those in need and helping the rest of us to understand and minister to those both infected and affected . ’
5 There was also concern that groups were growing faster in the UK than in the rest of the world .
6 He spent the rest of his life in expertise , painstakingly cataloguing the pictures and drawings of his favoured period , the Italian Renaissance , and in giving advice , notably to the great Bostonian collector , Mrs Gardner , and the main dealer of the period , Joseph Duveen .
7 A diagram of the art world , according to Wolfe , would be made up , in addition to the artists , of ‘ about 750 culturati in Rome , 500 in Milan , 1,750 in Paris , 1,250 in London , 2,000 in Berlin , Munich , and Düsseldorf , 3,000 in New York , and perhaps 1,000 scattered about the rest of the world .
8 It is characteristic of the novel that climate and vegetation should count for no less than its comedy of manners , in which the Jewish businessman Harry de Tunja plays an enjoyable part , and that neither of these two elements , so far as they can be distinguished from the rest of the novel , should count for less than the opinions which they help to convey .
9 It is not Naipaul 's ; it does not constitute the author 's testament or confession on the subject of race relations and the rest of it .
10 Grant that , and all the rest makes sense as well …
11 If I never did anything but sit in this room and powder my face and tell you what a clever fool you are , i should still be heavens high above the millions of common women who do their domestic duty , and sacrifice themselves , and run Trade departments and all the rest of the vulgarities .
12 I can get through the rest of the week if I know I 've got comin' here to look forward to .
13 But whether the statement is rhetoric or reality , particularly for Mr Charles Haughey and the rest of the Fianna Fáil leadership , we will have to wait and see .
14 For when it comes it is more violent , more annihilating , more interminable than I can remember it , this feeling in the pit of the stomach , this physical pain and physical desire to retch , to want to get rid of something , of everything , to want to make all that is inside emerge and disappear , drain away , mingle with the rest of the detritus of the world , but it is not only physical , a physical sensation , he wrote , it is physical but it is also something else , not moral , not psychological , not spiritual , but something else , something other than the purely physical .
15 Our civilization has at least this to its credit , he wrote , that it has found a way of rounding up this dishonest crap and incarcerating it in morgues , in fortified places with guards and alarm bells and the rest , thus keeping it off the streets , protecting decent citizens , and now , he wrote , there are even moves afoot to repel intruders by making them pay hard cash to enter these fortified places .
16 It must be a measure of my confidence , he wrote , that I can now say , in these notes , without any kind of trepidation , that this is the major project of my life , that beside it the rest pales into insignificance , if it was not insignificant anyway , beside it or anything else .
17 And by this stage in this commentary , he wrote , there is no need to qualify the words success , triumph , and the rest , qualifications can be taken as read .
18 There will not always be critics and the rest , just as there will not always be man and the rest .
19 There will not always be critics and the rest , just as there will not always be man and the rest .
20 The rest of us are running a different race — by choice perhaps .
21 I suddenly agreed with you about prizes and fame and the rest .
22 Genius is the bust of Beethoven and Keats dying and Shelley dying and the size of War and Peace and poor old Sartre banging away at his trilogy and Hemingway paring it down to its essence and Monet unable to distinguish colours any more and Picasso staring out at the camera with his chest bare and his eyes blazing and Cézanne snarling like a dog and then walking out of Aix with his canvas and paints on his back to paint that mountain and Byron dying and Pushkin dying and all the rest of it .
23 Instead , my glass will be a lens to see the rest through .
24 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , my son , who is a keen supporter of Brighton and Hove Albion Association Football Club ( The Seagulls ) , and who frequently goes to the sports centre of the University of Sussex to watch his team at their indoor training , was surprised the other day to see two figures distinctly older than the rest of the players .
25 Like the rest of the glass , he wrote , it defies the second law of thermo-dynamics .
26 And all the rest of it .
27 The rest is the chorus .
28 Enough not because we must content ourselves with the minimum , he wrote , but because there is never more , if more means meaning , wholeness , salvation , redemption , all the rest .
29 The irony of my vision of the glass burning up the rest of the exhibits in the gallery in which it is housed , when here it is , burning up everything around it in this flat , burning me up .
30 No doubt if I had responded to Hilda and Annie and the rest as they told me I should respond , as they all told me my true nature , my deeper nature was crying out to respond , I would be surrounded today by love and wives and children and the rest .
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