Example sentences of "[art] idea " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the idea that a human rights concert should be held in the very stadium in Santiago where Allende 's officers rounded up thousands of Chileans in 1973 , prior to committing gross violations , stretches the powers of credulity .
2 The fancy of a perpetual life , sweeping together ten thousand experiences , is an old one ; and modern philosophy has conceived the idea of humanity as wrought upon by , and summing up in itself , all modes of thought and life .
3 He is looking for that quality which you must allow me to call ‘ modernity ’ ; for I know of no better word to express the idea I have in mind .
4 It attacks his constant enemy , the idea of genius :
5 The idea that there is such a thing as the spirit of a time can be awkwardly challenged by asking , ‘ Whose time ? ’
6 The idea that a price at auction is a definitive market price has even become quite generally accepted , although in fact auctions are subject to manipulation like other markets described by some economists as free .
7 An amusing parallel in the film business is an account given by the director Ken Russell of how he sold the idea of making a film about Tchaikowsky ; he described it to his potential backers as the story of a homosexual who fell in love with a nymphomaniac .
8 The alternative , of choosing between artists , is also hazardous , since it refutes the idea that they have a reason for exhibiting together , even if what the critic writes is favourable .
9 The idea that art is part of a tradition is a further step .
10 Salim is now homeless in the sense that he has shed an old tendency to nostalgia : ‘ the idea of going home , of leaving , the idea of the other place ’ , he takes to be weakening and destructive .
11 Salim is now homeless in the sense that he has shed an old tendency to nostalgia : ‘ the idea of going home , of leaving , the idea of the other place ’ , he takes to be weakening and destructive .
12 ‘ Raised ’ from the ruck , originally , by his family 's wealth , he does n't want to ‘ sink ’ , and rejects ‘ the idea of defeat ’ that prevails in the Third World : ‘ I 'm tired of being on the losing side .
13 In possessing her , he is both taken out of , and placed in possession of , himself : ‘ She gave me the idea of my manliness I had grown to need . ’
14 He finds himself ‘ considering the idea of flight ’ , and the idea of defeat : ‘ 1 suppose that , thinking of my own harassment and Raymond 's defeat , I had begun to consider Yvette a defeated person as well , trapped in the town , as sick of herself and the wasting asset of her body as I was sick of myself and my anxieties . ’
15 He finds himself ‘ considering the idea of flight ’ , and the idea of defeat : ‘ 1 suppose that , thinking of my own harassment and Raymond 's defeat , I had begun to consider Yvette a defeated person as well , trapped in the town , as sick of herself and the wasting asset of her body as I was sick of myself and my anxieties . ’
16 Nowadays , people all over the world unequivocally reject the idea of gulags , yet they are still willing to let themselves be hypnotised by totalitarian poesy and to march to new gulags to the tune of the same lyrical song piped by Eluard when he soared over Prague like the great archangel of the lyre , while the smoke of Kalandra 's body rose to the sky from the crematory chimney .
17 But it is possible to believe that the idea of ventriloquism which lies at the heart of it may be successfully applied both to some sorts of contemporary author and to some of what went before .
18 The books I am speaking of are , among others , books which pursue the idea of an escape from personality and from society , and in which personality and society are seen — as in Zuckerman 's letter to Maria — to be aspects of a single threat .
19 Of course at school they always tell you that you should do a secretarial course , which was absolutely dreadful , and they put you off the idea of a career in the theatre just as much as they can .
20 The idea of defending a protestant heritage is not solely an Ulster phenomenon but rooted in the British tradition .
21 When asked if they would like subventions from the state to aid their stipends and church buildings , a move which was being seriously considered by the British government at the time , priests and bishops were united in rejecting the idea on the grounds that it would drive a wedge between clergy and people , identifying clergy with the principal enemies of the people .
22 The two Roman catholic priests , who were in all respects dedicated pastors and much liked by many in the local community , immediately opposed the idea , preaching against it at Sunday masses in the local convent and the school hall .
23 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
24 Do not substitute the idea for the object .
25 I told him , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) it was people like him who kept the idea of art going , kept the opera houses of the world open , kept the bookshops of the world open , they ought to take you out and shoot you , I said to him .
26 The idea of the directed arbitrary .
27 The idea that it is happening elsewhere prevalent in our lives .
28 Key to everything the idea of the glass .
29 And then the idea ( how did it come to me ? ) that it must not simply be glass but big glass .
30 The idea of a title , he wrote , implies an entity .
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