Example sentences of "[art] times " in BNC.

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1 Born in Hamburg , he was transferred to the Manor House at Amnersfield , the son of a remote German-American mother and of a sour , withdrawn , irritable Anglo-Scottish father , who would retreat behind the Times and spend the evening in lonely state , smoking his pipe in his kilt .
2 It is a contender : a colleague of Ackroyd 's on The Times announced that it was a ‘ sure contender ’ for the Booker Prize of 1987 ( which it did n't receive ) .
3 Zuckerman has enabled Roth to deal with the question of the offence he has given to righteous Jews , and to come to terms with the rebellious , psychedelic , philo-Semitic Sixties , when Roth 's writing went , with the times , derisive and fantastic .
4 It is seen in The Facts to belong to the times in which the writer lived when he wrote the novel , when opposition to the Vietnam War , and to a President Johnson perceived as monstrous , took to the street-wisdom of a farcical obscenity .
5 Even those who had never heard of him mouthed his words , repeating them to others as though they had just thought of them themselves , which perhaps they had , for there is surely such a thing as a spirit of the times .
6 Painting nearly always fifty years or even a hundred behind the times .
7 This was a case of Gentlemen versus Players in the golden age when such distinctions still applied and when it was obvious to anyone with an eighth of an intelligence that no paid journeyman could ever begin to compare with the rapier-like ‘ amateurs ’ who flitted with effortless superiority , solving one crime after another with a brilliant insouciance which was the dismay of the criminal fraternity , the envy of the constabulary , and a source of immense satisfaction to most of the upper middle class , especially those with an aptitude for the Times crossword .
8 I thought about writing a letter to The Times and telling them about an important man who beat up his children .
9 ‘ Did you get The Times Educational Supplement this week ? ’ she asked me .
10 I suspect it is no accident the politics of the times seems to parallel the growing toughness of the police image , or that the police have taken on an increasing resemblance to the black-clothed enemies of goodness who sprinkle the popular science fantasy films such as Star Wars , Superman , and the like .
11 This characteristic supports Peter Evans ( 1977 ) , then The Times 's Home Affairs correspondent , who described the police as being ‘ peculiarly tribal by nature ’ .
12 To walk into a pub function room as I have often done during the ten years I was collecting fieldnotes and see two or three hundred detectives in their ‘ uniform ’ of modern suit and tie , neat haircut , and the fashionable moustache of the times , is to be visibly reminded that there is a narrow symbolic range of bodily correctness within which all policemen can properly operate .
13 The times , to say the least , were not propitious .
14 He was proving himself to be not only an accurate witness to the times , but a respected one , too .
15 Unlike many people , Rita did not write to The Times deploring modern standards of English .
16 Her sexual habits had changed with the times and , besides , in England all the signifiers seemed different .
17 All three are — or , in the case of railways , have become — essentially light catering markets ; and in such markets profitability , the watchword of the times , calls for selling made-up products like plate meals or filled rolls , rather than retail lines like chocolate bars where the scope for mark-up is obviously small .
18 Balanchine created a ballet The Seven Deadly Sins with music by Kurt Weill and words by Berthold Brecht which later inspired MacMillan to stage his version of this parable for the times .
19 Verkhovensky has courage ( though in its lower forms of which Plato speaks ) , but otherwise there is nothing in common between the two young men except the times they live in .
20 It is evident in a curious book , edited by Stephen Heath , Colin MacCabe , and Christopher Prendergast and published in Cambridge in the early 1970s : Signs of the Times : Introductory Readings in Textual Semiotics .
21 MacCabe and Heath had studied in Paris , and Signs of the Times has its niche in postwar cultural history , marking the first major re-entry of French intellectual influences since Eliot 's adherence to Remy de Gourmont and the French neoclassicists , half a century earlier .
22 This is apparent in the correspondence columns of those publications where the tradition of public criticism continues , like the Times Literary Supplement and the London Review of Books .
23 In the wake of the MacCabe affair in 1981 , an editorial in the Times Higher Education Supplement said that a fissiparous discipline such as English had a number of hard choices in front of it : it could become even more pluralistic and diffuse , with accompanying pedagogic problems ; it could repressively impose one favoured approach ; or it could split .
24 Some features of that world are nowadays entirely inscrutable — notably , what it was in Frederic Lowndes 's self-effacing position on The Times which gave him and his wife access to a society of international aristocracy and even royalty , and to the inner circles of the cabinet , as well as the society of novelists and playwrights .
25 Such are the times in which we live that the decision to leave his expletives unbleeped prompted tabloid news stories but , really , the programme was quite intensely moral .
26 It is the business of the head of the established church to express his worries about the state of the nation and the moral mood of the times .
27 Values and principles did not change , he said , but the times in which they had to be applied did change .
28 A stance which was appropriate for the Age of Brezhnev and Galtieri now seems out of date and out of touch with the spirit of the times .
29 It will audit 175 out of The Times top 1,000 companies and 67 out of The Times top 500 financial companies .
30 It will audit 175 out of The Times top 1,000 companies and 67 out of The Times top 500 financial companies .
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