Example sentences of "[prep] middle " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The next parliament will not serve merely as a forum for making political statements but rather as a national institute in which we will all take part in formulating the country 's policies , ’ he said on television before leaving on a three-nation tour as part of Middle East peace efforts .
2 It is possible the discovery could be part of Middle Eastern terrorism — two months ago a terrorist was blown up by his own bomb in a London hotel in an incident later linked to the Satanic Verses affair .
3 Diana has made the transition from girl to woman and has become secure and fulfilled ; Charles has confronted the spectre of middle age and doubt , and emerged certain .
4 She was twenty-three and simply too young to comprehend the feelings of middle age — let alone those of a middle-aged Prince .
5 His survey of 1,000 children found that 18.3 per cent of secondary and 17.1 per cent of middle school pupils claimed to have been bullied .
6 Many said they were regularly bullied — 8 per cent of secondary pupils at least once a week and 5.5 per cent of middle school pupils several times a week .
7 As for Henry , nothing short of Middle Eastern arms shipment would satisfy him and unlikely that Acid Rain Testing Kit will divert him for more than five seconds .
8 James Baker , the secretary of state , told Congress recently that his review of Middle East policy convinced him long before the invasion of Kuwait that the ‘ old view that we somehow did not want the Soviets involved is a mistake ’ .
9 It is Mr Major who seems to sense the fears and hopes of middle Britain .
10 In that long thin strip of middle England , with its old towns and charmless Birmingham commuter-belt estates , Tory canvassers heard time and time again that voters wanted to punish the government for the poll tax .
11 He was of middle height , well built , possibly in his mid-forties ( though Jane was not much good on ages ) with dark curly hair and slanting eyes which gave him a slightly Slavonic look , though there was not a trace of accent in his speech .
12 Now it 's the oldest and hardest to find unless you are prepared to pay the ridiculous prices of independent fashion shops who 've searched the warehouses of middle America for anything that can be labelled ‘ old school ’ .
13 Adrian Tutt of Middle Farm , Charndon , near Bicester , has been using the prototype K2-8 to cut 20ha ( 50 acres ) of horse feed hay .
14 The other thing is , there are hardly any girls of Middle Eastern or Asian appearance in adverts or magazines .
15 This reddish-brown turmoil of turbid waters is the run-off from the grazing lands of Middle Third , Pitmeadow and Balquhandie , gushing over the clays and old red sandstone of Dunning Glen to swirl down the ford behind my study window .
16 It is almost a rule of Middle East politics that democracy in Arab states means the emergence of a strong Islamic movement .
17 ISRAEL may boycott the next round of Middle East peace talks because a jailed man from the West Bank has been invited to join the Palestinian team .
18 In the mid-1980s the Daily Telegraph probably still spoke for the great bulk of Middle England , when , after Britain had yet again resisted international calls to reduce pollution , it announced :
19 By one of the more subtle cruelties of Middle East history , the papers and the keys were to prove the most symbolic and most worthless of possessions to the Palestinians .
20 Their Old Age , from fifty to 62 , we now see as part of Middle Age .
21 The young old now keep one foot in the full humanity of middle age .
22 A few days later , Colonel Airey of Middle East Commando wrote angrily to the Operations branch at MEHQ concerning the above .
23 The question of the proper age of transfer was referred to it , as the West Riding was making plans for a series of middle schools spanning the age range nine to thirteen .
24 Even the concept of the hour was not used as a unit of duration before the time of Middle French .
25 He had a pleasant face whose lines were more likely the result of his generally cheerful disposition rather than worry or the onset of middle age .
26 Donald was perfectly poised on the edge of middle age — greying curls , the big , sculptural ears , the solidly Roman nose all suggested power , maturity , certainty .
27 He is shorter than the tallest of men , yet taller and more noble than those of middle height .
28 The horns are of middle length or can be quite long , and they vary in style according to the herd 's origins , but commonly those of the cow grow outwards , forwards and then upwards .
29 Will the doubtful gains for the child 's personality development of an undiscriminating total ban outweigh the fairly certain chagrin , embarrassment and isolation that will be experienced when he or she can not join in some of the most popular entertainments and games of middle childhood ?
30 He was well known as a painter of Middle Eastern subjects and had travelled extensively .
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