Example sentences of "[noun sg] go " in BNC.

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1 She has understanding and maturity and when she lets her lover go , you feel it 's not completely the end of the world for her .
2 Dr Marshall says it 's been such a success he 'd like to see his research go up in flames again
3 Dr Marshall says it 's been such a success he 'd like to see his research go up in flames again
4 Really we know still know very little about what teachers actually do in the classroom , and it 's all very well standing back in university and saying teachers should do this and should do that , but in order to be able to offer guidance I think we really need to do more research in mixed ability classrooms to discover how teachers are at the moment dealing with the situation and where we might offer them more support , and that 's the direction I 'd like to see research go in , rather than more erm of the grandiose large-scale quantitative studies , which collect lots of figures and statistics — I 'd like to see a lot more studies in actual classrooms looking at actual teachers teaching .
6 I was sitting talking to the skipper in his cabin when we heard the wheel go hard over .
7 WAS The Cream Of Eric Clapton your favourite Music Video of the year or would your vote go to Wonder Stuff 's Welcome To The Cheap Seats ?
8 He 's obviously neglected his job and let the club go to pot and is generally a frightful old bugger and an excrescence .
9 He said well I could n't see any of that did n't even see the club go up the tree .
10 Conscious of a ripping sound , she heard her zip go , then her taffeta skirt was rustling to the floor and he was pulling her down among its glossy folds , his lips marauding over hers so that it was the way it was in the unrequited dreams of the empty nights when everything came down to the touch of him like the still centre of the entire world .
11 I lay there and I heard this zip go z-z-zip up , god someone 's coming in tent , tried to get in bed with us .
12 Let backe and side go bare
13 That 's what the Hereford fans must have thought , when they watched their side go one down to Northampton towards the end of the first half .
14 what , whe where does the priest go , or priests go , he 's quite young , and he goes walking , he goes , have you really got S and M then ?
15 ‘ Fly , ’ he yelled at the Golden Girl and let the spinnaker halyard go .
16 Rose felt her mouth go dry .
17 Honor felt her mouth go dry and her knees begin to shake .
18 I stare at the muddied , warped little card sealed in a deal-sized plastic bag , recognising my own writing and feeling my mouth go even drier than it already is and I can only gibber something about , Well , it looks like my writing but , I mean , and anyway , somebody , anybody could have taken that , I mean … but they just look quietly pleased and the questions go on .
19 ‘ Get him a bit drunk , and wear a suspender belt , and make your mouth go like this … ’
20 ‘ When you make your mouth go like that , ’ said Sam , ‘ it looks like a baboon 's bottom .
21 Why did her mouth go dry and her treacherous heart start pounding away inside her chest like war drums in the jungle ?
22 She let my mouth go and pressed the length of her body against my side .
23 Lisa felt her mouth go dry .
24 What she saw made her mouth go dry and her legs tremble .
25 Tallis felt her mouth go dry and her vision became suddenly intensely clear .
26 He moved further into the room , looking big and commanding against the stark backdrop of the white walls , and Fran felt her mouth go dry .
27 Or that bloke at the club making his mouth go go funny
28 Does the trunk go straight up , the same width or is it tapering ?
29 Where e'er you be , let the wind go free !
30 ‘ Me and my sister and my uncle — my sister , who 's a scientist , right ? — we were walking along and we saw this light go across the sky , then it stopped and made this complete square , then it was gone . ’
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