Example sentences of "[not/n't] necessarily " in BNC.

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1 The library user who looks for books of art criticism is not necessarily going to have an easy task .
2 The medium of an art critic as theoretician is the magazine or journal article , not necessarily in a publication specialising in art .
3 Excellence is not necessarily a criterion for including a picture or a sculpture in a chronological survey .
4 However , if biographies of artists are carefully examined , it will be found that they do not necessarily contain much art criticism at all ; a biographer may prefer not to express personal views about the artist 's work ; a book 's main thrust may be to describe the artist 's own aims and ideas .
5 The other major role of the sculptor is in the service of religion , where a high degree of interplay between artist and patron is not necessarily so important , making the sculptor 's situation into one which is more like the painter 's .
6 Academic study of drama as such is not necessarily useful for the actor , but an awareness of playwrights and their various styles is of practical value .
7 It 's very difficult , though , to say what the right kind of photograph is , for obviously actors are very different , but remember that a good photograph is not necessarily an art photograph .
8 Your first Equity card will be a provisional one ; to become a full member you need to have worked for at least 30 weeks , not necessarily consecutively , Nevertheless , it 's only realistic to assume that you may face longish periods of unemployment and to be prepared to deal with this constructively .
9 I would say always remember that what is on show is oneself , not necessarily the ability to perform brilliant characterisations .
10 They demonstrate this partially by their support for the two nationalist parties , Sinn Fein and the Social Democratic and Labour Party , though support for the latter does not necessarily imply nationalism .
11 We reiterate : the dominant beliefs of the alliances which we have termed historical blocs are not necessarily shared by all but are promoted successfully by dominant groups and have some grounding in the consciousness of the wider membership .
12 As Gramsci points out , the religion of the clergy is not necessarily the religion of this or that social group of laity , whose religious interpretation is also related to their own concrete world of experience .
13 Such studies , he argued , have shown that joint schooling is not necessarily successful in lowering prejudice .
14 Those that carry the same names as overseas beers are produced under licence and do not necessarily adhere to the recipe or strength of the original .
15 This need not necessarily be antipathetic to ‘ pub values ’ as we recognise them .
16 Hotels taking part need not necessarily have computerised property management systems — a facsimile machine can be used as the link .
17 The second is not necessarily quite so easy .
18 ‘ I said he was poisoned — but not necessarily by your cake .
19 But no I had n't , not necessarily .
20 Getting older does not necessarily mean losing independence .
21 Providing the disabled person is entitled to receive mobility allowance , it need not necessarily be the disabled person who has to be the driver of the vehicle .
22 Expectations of confidentiality and silence prevent many accounts from reaching fruition , for as the revelations of Spycatcher ( Wright and Greenglass 1986 ) revealed , it is not necessarily what is written which causes the pain ; rather it is the breach of the convention which requires members in various arms of the executive to say nothing about their practices .
23 Such information may not necessarily carry any security classification within the Service , but may simply reveal dispositions , working arrangements etc .
24 While for those thrust into a position of ‘ ritual liminality ’ there is the possibility of becoming ‘ men apart ’ , of standing aside and though not necessarily following political alternatives posed by any counter-culture , undertaking the hero 's journey merely by seeking to comment on the social condition they now see with new eyes .
25 Poets do not necessarily have to be commentators on the historic present ; there is a world within as well as a world without .
26 Anyway , since the English language , not unlike its speakers , and the climate in which it was reared , did not necessarily adhere to the principles of predictability , even had the thought of the good Earl occurred to me , I may st ill not have surmised that it gave proof positive one way or the other re the acceptable pronunciation of the Square 's Christian name .
27 The Easy-Carve is in fact not as noisy as one might imagine , but it is not necessarily a tool I 'd want to use for long stretches .
28 A workshop with one machinist who carefully adjusts and sets the machine up and leaves it that way at the end of the job is not necessarily going to need the heaviest equipment .
29 Older people are not necessarily ill or frail — most are fit and active .
30 Reduction of waiting lists is not necessarily an indicator of improved ‘ quality ’ of care for elderly people , whose needs may go beyond a brief period of surgery and recovery .
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