Example sentences of "[not/n't] either " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I think that this needs saying , quite calmly and objectively , in this commentary , which will not spare me when I have done badly or in the wrong spirit or left half-done , but will not either , in a spirit of false modesty , gloss over those things in my life and work which have been a success , even , mildly , a triumph .
2 ‘ Nothing which is not either documented by photograph or clearly indicated by surviving is replaced .
3 If Senna had not either won the race or finished second , he would have been out of the championship .
4 ‘ Well , ’ said Margaret laughing , ‘ I wanted to kill you too , but I could not either . ’
5 Common sense dictates that single items of food can not either cause or prevent a potentially life-threatening illness .
6 From this Time to that of her Death , few Days pass 'd in which I did not either see or hear from her ; for she gave me the Pleasure of seeing all her Poems as soon as they were finish 'd
7 Those who did not either put their mills to other uses or left the trade .
8 He says he agrees with Mr Tebbit that many of the evil deeds of recent years which have seen child murders and terrorism of a particularly disgusting type , can not be answered by ‘ mere questions of policing , penal treatment or sentencing policy and can not either be justified or explained by talking of urban deprivation and unemployment . ’
9 As one of Bonn 's most distinguished physicists , Professor Wolfgang Paul put it , ‘ Now it 's so well-organised bad things can not happen , maybe good things can not either . ’
10 She probably enjoys speaking to people who are not either obsequiously forelock-tugging or trying to upstage her .
11 It means that women buy the whole package and can not either understand or cope when their partner 's emotional limitations emerge .
12 His mother would never get round to reading it and he hoped fervently that his father would not either .
13 Although they had been unable so far to be sure whether or not either neutrons or gamma rays were being emitted from the cell , if fusion was indeed occurring then there should be evidence within the cathode — helium or tritium should be present , though in very small quantities .
14 Like Weber 's ‘ ideal types ’ , definitions in the sociology of religion are not either true or false , but more or less useful .
15 He concludes by suggesting that the relationship between research , policy and practice concerning offenders is often not either an equal nor an easy one and that it is not characterized by consistency .
16 ‘ I 'm not either .
17 Composers , performers and other productive agents are not either wholly ‘ manipulated ’ or wholly ‘ critical ’ and ‘ free ’ ; their subjectivity — or the positions being continually constructed for that subjectivity — is traversed by a multitude of different , often conflicting lines of social influence , bringing them into multiple , often overlapping identities and collectivities .
18 ‘ I hope not either , Pip , ’ he whispered back .
19 The hallmark of the British response to defects in the working of the labour market became the provision of relief to the unemployed , and not either the creation of special work programmes or measures to facilitate movements of workers between jobs .
20 She and her friends seldom discussed the concept of happiness : when they were not either bored or depressed they were having a good time and enjoying themselves .
21 I hunt with a camera , to capture images of animals that may become extinct in Indochina if hunting is not either strictly controlled or stopped .
22 Many traits , such as size in humans , vary continuously , or at least come in multiple forms ( i.e. humans are not either short or tall , but a wide range of heights ) .
23 ‘ I can not find any precise definition of the term , it is not either in law or commerce a strictly technical term , or what is called a term of art . ’
24 Beside her stood a child , not either of the twins .
25 With the partial exception of the two decades which followed the Treaty of Utrecht ( and even then there were probably never less than half a million men under arms in Europe ) there was scarcely a year in the century during which a large-scale struggle was not either raging or threatened in some part of the continent .
26 He was surprised that he 'd had no word from that gentleman , and even more so to find that Theda had not either .
27 Even with his fancifulness , it is hard to imagine the civil service employing anyone who is not either a man or a woman .
28 I do not see it like that , and I am sure that the nation as a whole would not either .
29 Erm , and then erm he returns from the form of Socrates to being Socrates again and is not either er lost up in the soul erm or somehow tragically transported downward from the level of intellect into the wrong body .
30 Amber 's Murray Martin is working with other independents on a strategy to counter the problem : ‘ One of the basic assumptions we have to deal with is that films made in Britain can not either break into the major circuit or survive in the market place , ’ he says .
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