Example sentences of "[vb infin] himself " in BNC.

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1 He can count himself lucky not to have been blamed for the bounce by his political masters .
2 He could count himself lucky to have got where he had got in an all-American company .
3 In a world in which common salt might blow up , could anyone count himself safe ?
4 ‘ Vinny should count himself very , very lucky to have made a lot of money out of football without having any ability .
5 The defendant can already count himself lucky to have received only a two-year sentence , having regard to the amount involved and to the position of trust which he held .
6 And a man might die and count himself honoured for music so sweet …
7 He 'll count himself lucky that the rabbit-punch only stunned him and did n't lay him out .
8 Gookey could certainly count himself unfortunate .
9 On that score , the Melrose forward can count himself very unlucky .
10 He therefore resolved to keep out of the way and let Clasper hang himself .
11 Of two prisoners in goal , one may hang himself , the other go on hunger strike : the former is committing a positive act , the latter an act of passive resistance .
12 ‘ Why should a man hang himself here ? ’
13 ‘ And I shall tell you , my Lord Coroner , how Edmund Brampton , steward to Sir Thomas Springall , did not hang himself in the garret of that house in Cheapside ! ’
14 First , do we really accept that a man in the act of undressing suddenly decides halfway through that he will hang himself and goes up to the garret without his boots on to carry out the terrible act ?
15 Give him enough rope and he would hang himself .
16 ‘ It need hardly be stressed how undesirable a situation is , whereby a prisoner can hang himself and remain suspended for several hours within a cell , unbeknown to either his cellmate or the supervising authority , ’ said the sheriff .
17 In the army no one above the rank of colonel would compromise himself : hence the conspirators ‘ made ’ their own general out of Colonel Quiroga , later to be eclipsed by Major Riego .
18 Sometimes , when in funds , as he thought of it , he would spruce himself up and visit the West End where occasionally he would come across a wartime crony in a small , ex-officers ' club in South Kensington .
19 Only when his judgment is called into question does he doubt himself .
20 He knows he does n't approve himself .
21 Sir Robert Carey , Warden of the English Middle March , had been in London visiting the queen , but had prudently arranged for relays of horses to be ready for him between the capital and Edinburgh , so that he could ingratiate himself with the King of Scots by being the first to arrive with the news that he was now King of England also .
22 He became very depressed for some time before he could reassess himself , start to use his considerable abilities and begin courting his wife again .
23 In verse and prose he was hell-bent on facing himself when things were out of joint ; the scalpel-probe is counterbalanced by the unlearned , incurious manner in which he found deepest ease and joy out of doors — a way of healing he had discovered early in life , although he did not consider himself a naturalist .
24 Dr.Thomas Manton thought so highly of Baxter that he did not even consider himself worthy to carry his books behind him , and that ‘ Mr. Baxter came nearer the apostolic writings than any man in the age ’ .
25 ‘ When untouchability is rooted out , these distinctions will vanish and no one will consider himself superior to any other .
26 ‘ T is so no more ’ , that is , he can no longer consider himself the same person — he has become , at last , a human being ( line 36 ) , not a dreaming poet , and he can not go back to the earlier state .
27 That man should consider himself lucky that Marvin had n't actually been in the mood for a brawl .
28 No longer need he consider himself a charlatan , an impostor .
29 He may consider himself to be a latter-day President Kennedy , or be tempted to follow the pro-IRA line taken by Senator Edward Kennedy .
30 ‘ Craig is my first-born son and I love him dearly , ’ she paused , ‘ but , after what he 's done , Craig must consider himself disowned by the entire Grenfell family . ’
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