Example sentences of "[to-vb] herself " in BNC.

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1 She had not looked deliberately , not wanting to tempt herself with the sight of him .
2 The opportunity to retrieve herself by usefulness came to Nicandra almost immediately — Lalage was back with them , downcast , apologetic .
3 Her smile , as she gazed into the camera , was wry and mocking , as though it amused her to find herself in the traditional pose of a mother .
4 Dot was surprised to find herself wearing a large pink woollen nightgown with embroidered collar whose gathered sleeves were so long that her hands were lost .
5 ‘ Pamela came to LA to find herself — and found Jim Morrison instead , ’ says Ryan .
6 After marrying in the series Charlene ran away to Brisbane ‘ to find herself . ’
7 She came full circle around the house , and opened a door to find herself looking up again at the dangling corpse statue .
8 Maggie turned round to find herself staring into the eyes she 'd stared into in the pub .
9 Which is how she came to find herself in such an embarrassing position .
10 A quick discussion and it was agreed ; awakening to find herself in a coffin in that house of death could cause the poor girl to really die of fright .
11 The last time she had woken from sleep it had been to find herself looking into the blue eyes of a dangerous enemy ; now the enemy was a friend .
12 Lucky thing to be made love to by Drew on it , Daisy was appalled to find herself thinking .
13 I 'd like your husband 's cock inside me , Daisy was absolutely horrified to find herself thinking .
14 Lee jumped and opened her eyes to find herself alone in the restroom apart from one of the girls who worked there , who was leaning over her and gently shaking her shoulder .
15 But surprised to find herself materially connected to the universe again .
16 As the man withdrew as silently as he had arrived , Joan was surprised to find herself alone with the young king .
17 She did n't want to find herself with a one-way Goldenrail Supersaver to Belsen .
18 If she arrived in Benedict 's to find herself established as his mistress , future wife , or both , she would promptly develop a new set of anti-Richard complexes to add to those she already had , and Heaven help his chances with her then !
19 She did not want to find herself alone in that Headmaster 's Study , where she would have to begin to think .
20 There were moments during the Mass when the litanies and prayers , the censers swinging to and fro and the smell of incense made her feel lightheaded , and she was able to believe that she was not really present , not really being married at all , and that at any moment she might open her eyes and awake , to find herself back in Corcaguiney , with the wind ruffling the water across Dingle Harbour and the cloud shadows sailing over the mountain .
21 Jacqui awoke to find herself still wrapped in the other woman 's arms .
22 Bernice woke to find herself lying outside the temple .
23 Benny awoke from a dream of Daleks and childhood memories to find herself rocking gently with the motion of a boat .
24 It would probably be just what she needed in order to find herself again .
25 What distressed her most was that she began to find herself liking the woman , with whom she realized she had much in common .
26 She was about to find herself a seat when she caught sight of him , in conversation with a rather pretty dark young woman , both of them laughing a lot .
27 The struggle to find herself was sometimes tortuous , yet often exhilarating .
28 I once met a girl who awoke to find herself gripped by the Spirit of God at 2 a.m .
29 Jenny let them spin on for a while ; but she was above all things a sensible girl and had no desire to find herself irretrievably stuck .
30 When in the brilliant sunshine of the morning , Caroline woke to find herself alone , she could n't decide if she felt relieved or dismayed .
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