Example sentences of "[num] election " in BNC.

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1 Enrile , 66 , a former Defence Minister in the Aquino government , had played a crucial role in forcing President Marcos from office after his 1986 election defeat by Aquino [ see pp. 34297-302 ] .
2 Since the 1986 election ( when the DLP won 24 of the then 27 seats ) support for Sandiford had declined .
3 The election result , which reversed that of the December 1986 election when the PNM won only three seats to the NAR 's 33 [ see pp. 35194-95 ] , represented an emphatic rejection of Robinson 's handling of an economy heavily dependent on oil exports .
4 Under the system of proportional representation used in the 1986 election , his party managed to win 35 parliamentary seats with just under 10 per cent of the vote .
5 Indira Gandhi swept the 1971 election crying ‘ Garibi hatao ’ — end poverty — and Indians , still poor , feel cheated .
6 That Forster and the local Nazis knew as much is evidenced by the fact that the 1935 election was the dirtiest and most dubious of the Danzig NSDAP 's victories .
7 On the one occasion when they did , in the run-up to the 1935 Election , it was — as we shall see — the peace movement that was agitating for a policy of resistance to aggression , and the Government that was forced by public opinion to suspend its deeply unpopular policy of appeasement — until the Election was safely out of the way .
8 ‘ There is no doubt ’ , wrote an LNU MP of his constituents during the 1935 Election campaign , that ‘ they 're quite prepared for the Navy to have to fight . ’
9 After the 1935 election , the LNU , aware of its potential as the biggest non-party organization in Britain , edged towards a more direct political challenge to the Government .
10 Attlee , had he won the 1935 election , would have taken exactly Baldwin 's line in substance , but at that stage in his career would have done so without assurance or persuasiveness .
11 Labour lost the 1935 election because of its confusion over foreign policy , just as it had lost in 1931 because of its domestic failure .
12 But his personality — assertive and brash yet essentially both cheerful and tough — gradually communicated itself to the public and helped him to his greatest triumph : his victory in the 1948 election .
13 Domestic politics and the Jewish vote — with the approach of the 1948 election — were influential .
14 The 1980 election , in other words , is to be seen primarily as a referendum on Jimmy Carter 's stewardship during the previous four years .
15 How is the 1980 election to be interpreted ?
16 As the 1980 election approached , advisers like Martin Anderson set about incorporating Reagan 's idea into a coherent economic strategy .
17 For a start , the Democratic leadership capitulated rather easily ; the 1980 election results appeared to frighten them into cooperation with the president .
18 According to a member of the Speaker 's staff , the Democrats felt that they should ‘ recognize the cataclysmic nature of the 1980 election results .
19 In his memoirs he rightly insists that the 1980 election ‘ did not represent a revolution in American values .
20 On the other hand , the Democrats still held the House and the 1980 election result was at best ambiguous , representing neither a vote for conservatism nor for liberalism .
21 Senate and House committees were re-examining the 1980 election for evidence of that rogue Iranian factor mentioned earlier .
22 Numerous problems arose after the 1980 election to ensure the demise of Schmidt and the SPD .
23 The Greens had grown only slowly in importance since the 1960s and they won less than 2 per cent of votes in the 1980 election .
24 As the 1972 election drew near , the Nixon administration could point to some genuine success in calming the passions of the Johnson years .
25 Referring to the 1972 election , Nixon said : " This is war …
26 In the 1972 election the Ngwane National Liberation Congress ( NNLC ) won three seats , and this modest revival in nationalist fortunes so disturbed Sobhuza that he promptly abrogated the constitution and for the next six years ruled by decree through the national council , a traditional body of tribal advisers .
27 Although as the largest parliamentary party the CEDA might have expected to dominate government after the November 1933 election , this was ruled out by the President of the Republic , Alcalá Zamora , on grounds of the CEDA 's non-republicanism .
28 On the Spanish left the period between the November 1933 election and the end of 1935 became known as the bienio negro , the ‘ two black years ’ , during which the reforms of 1931–3 were reversed or flouted , socio-economic power reverted sharply to landlords and employers , the left itself experienced unprecedented repression and the seeds of civil war were decisively sown .
29 Prospects for a free and fair general election , scheduled for late 1991 , improved when opposition parties agreed in late April to respect electoral procedures , in return for a government promise to consider the reform of the election commission [ for December 1985 election see p. 34162 ] .
30 One view saw Suharto 's motive in encouraging greater activism on the part of Golkar as an attempt to acquire a reforming image to help counteract pressure on him to stand down before the 1993 election .
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