Example sentences of "[vb base] along " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , I rub along , you know !
2 Using the oily rag , rub along the back rail several times , then , taking a clean very lightly oiled rag , run it along the front edge of the needlebed .
3 How much more tenuous must it therefore be for non-departmental bodies operating at arm 's length from ministers , and which ‘ for most of the time … rub along without much awareness of the Minister and his officials ’ ( Johnson , 1982 , p. 213 ) .
4 Yet we rub along well most of the time .
5 On this model of organic relationships , the lower animals are merely immature versions of humankind : they develop along the same scale but mature at an earlier point in the process .
6 As you wind along the corniche roads , passing vineyards and olive groves , you are sure to be reminded of the Côte d'Azur .
7 Leaving the deep hearth for whatever reason , hunger , duty , sexual imperatives , you trot along the lightless , complicated corridors of the buried labyrinth , their ambient odour a composite of you and all your kin .
8 Trot along to 739 Fulham Road , London SW6 for more .
9 Trot along and you 'll find out . ’
10 Wealden ironmasters , and even more so their men , are elusive figures , but a Wadhurst miller , taxed at £4 on land , looks much like John Barharn of Woodlands and Butts who in 1521 purchased Brooklands forge along with Bartley Mill .
11 Again , if the laws governing reflection are true , then ab , must be reflected along bc , and ab' along b'c' .
12 Better still , bring along a coach from your parish .
13 Sam Baker QC ( almost ) from number 113a had suggested that he ‘ bring along a few bottles of my Australian Chardonnay ’ but no one could face the prospect of being talked through another glass of uniquely flinty , resonantly expressive Murray River Chardonnay by Sam Baker QC ( almost ) .
14 If you know certain children are going to have difficulty in separating from parents , then it helps if they bring along a favourite toy .
15 If you can not get your shoes back on , bring along a pair of flip-flops or sandals that you can slip into and which wo n't aggravate your feet .
16 This is open to women of all ages , so bring along your friends and colleagues .
17 Stripes can go a bit fuzzy , too , and most people bring along a selection of clothes .
18 Bring along , too , a sample of your pond water for analysis .
19 ‘ I 'll come visit , bring along our Auntie Megan . ’
20 Madeleine , however , had insisted he bring along a girl to make up a foursome and Primrose was the only girl available at the last minute .
21 The idea is that you bring along a fully licensed copy of a rival business application , buy a Microsoft Office Trade-In pack , which includes a mouse mat , voucher and pre-paid envelope , post the voucher with proof of ownership and Microsoft sends you Office 3.0 , which has a recommended price of £575 .
22 This meets a long-standing request from various members and will take the form of a variety of short talks and discussions aided by slides , photographs , segments of cine film , videos — whatever members bring along .
23 Or more seriously bring along a book on figure drawing to help you and do n't be afraid to hold a pencil at arm 's length to measure proportions .
24 Skulk along the shore and feed off others ’ carrion .
25 When I peer along the track I see that it will be on the track across from me , going south to the river .
26 They flock along to in-service courses .
27 This contrasts with the situation , elsewhere and notably in West Germany , where MEPs sit along side Bundestag deputies on their EC legislation vetting committee , with full speaking rights .
28 The five Board members sit along one side of a long table .
29 Squeeze along on your hands and knees , then wriggle flat on your stomach , and you may reach an underground cavern .
30 A contemporary account des-cribes children " with their hands and feet on the black , dusty ground and a chain about their body , creep and drag along like four footed beasts , heavy loads of the dirty mineral through ways almost impassable to the curious observer " .
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