Example sentences of "[vb base] care " in BNC.

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1 The decision has been attacked by Health Service watchdogs who say care for the elderly is now chronically underfunded .
2 If they want care for children , then they have to provide more cash . ’
3 As with the NHS , the public overwhelmingly want care in the community to be a matter of pride not parsimony , and will support adequate funding to make this possible .
4 It is easy , however for managers to assume that such changes have similarly profound effect on those who provide care and treatment .
5 It is commonly accepted that part of a nurse 's functions is to be sensitive to and provide care for the psychological needs of patients , achieved in part through interpersonal relationships .
6 From April , however , there will be closer cooperation among the various statutory and voluntary services that arrange and provide care and , in the long run , this might lead to more efficient recognition of ill or disabled people who need help with daily life .
7 Second , as with the health care sector , the government is attempting to develop a market for social care by separating the responsibility for those who purchase care and those who provide care .
8 Typically the term ‘ carer ’ is used to describe members of the informal sector who provide care for a dependent person in the community .
9 Grossing these responses up suggests that at least six million adults in Britain are carers and the majority , 75 per cent , are looking after a person aged 65 and over , 1.4 million adults provide care for more than 20 hours per week and 3.7 million have sole responsibility for the care of their dependant .
10 Social services departments also provide care and after care for older children , by running hostels for working boys and girls and helping with the costs of further education and training , or simply by offering friendship and advice .
11 Day care , residential care and social work support essentially provide care in the community , rather than in large institutions .
12 However , he was found fit to plead , found guilty and detained under an order of the Mental Health Act in one of the Special Hospitals which provide care and treatment in conditions of close security .
13 Broadmoor , Rampton and Ashworth Hospitals provide care for 1,700 mentally abnormal people who are judged to require high conditions of security .
14 They provide care and not education ; at least , that is the theory .
15 These emphasize the protection of individual rights , working on behalf of the client for more and better services , and attempting to ensure that existing services meet client needs and provide care to agreed service specifications .
16 This process is complicated by the differences in salary , qualification and experience which exist between field social workers who hold legal responsibility for such children and their residential colleagues who provide care for those children who are placed in children 's homes .
17 Help the Aged is a national fund-raising charity supporting projects which provide care and facilities for elderly people .
18 Our aim would be to link in with all the caring agencies in the area and provide care and assistance as and when it was needed .
19 But they do not add up to or replace care by the community .
20 We run training programmes in Romania and support care and prevention programmes in Uganda and Tanzania .
21 Support care involves detecting deviations from the normal ageing process and noting early signs of ill health , while rehabilitation care is designed to restore individuals who have been ill or disabled to as full a range of activities of daily living as possible .
22 If we support care in the community we must realise that nurse prescribing is part of that and will help to make it work .
23 For whose benefit do a number of clients receive care either at the same time or in the same order ?
24 These arguments see the individual as clients , because even though they receive care by a task allocation system , it is a system which considers the benefits for them first .
25 First , he is wrong to assume that the policy to which he refers is espoused only by the Government : until now , there has been a bipartisan commitment to ensuring that mentally ill people receive care and facilities that are properly attuned to their needs .
26 Under the patients charter , NHS complaints procedures will be extended to all hospitals in which NHS patients receive care .
27 " Extending patient choice " was one of the key aims of WFP , but in practice consumers have little direct say over where and under what conditions they receive care .
28 AN INNOVATIVE project to give a voice to people who provide and receive care services takes to the stage in Cleveland tomorrow .
29 Things Past and Present , plants , books all require and receive care throughout the year .
30 And , since he took as starting points the avoidance of waste and of idleness , he argued : let care be taken not to leave in the instance of any individual whatever the smallest fragment of ability unemployed . "
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