Example sentences of "[vb pp] off " in BNC.

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1 Squared off ‘ Boston ’ .
2 The face , or ‘ best ’ , side was planed true , and ‘ best edge ’ squared off this .
3 There was a story about an oil tanker that had veered off course and steamed right through Heaven Sound .
4 The children from Leeds were accompanying 14 French pupils , aged 11 to 18 , on an exchange visit , were turfed off the bus at a shopping complex in Gateshead , Tyne and Wear .
5 Pertemps Network ( 1.30 ) has frightened off all but two rivals in the Makerfield Novice Chase .
6 The former , combined with an opinion poll lead which caused a sharp plunge in the stock markets , frightened off wavering voters ; the latter obscured issues such as health and the recession with which Labour ought to have concluded its campaign .
7 We fought the Turks , and the Turks frightened off Uzum Hasan , and the surrender was the Emperor 's choice .
8 Your baby must have frightened off the intruder .
9 Only if he feels that a private sector or B R management would be er frightened off bidding , and he knew that there were viable bids in play
10 If last night had n't happened , would she still have flown off the handle , sooner or later … ?
11 Léonie 's arms and legs dissolved with relief now the words were out , had flown off squawking .
12 I mean there 's been a couple of times that he 's really lost his temper with her and erm and , and really flown off the handle , badly .
13 US officials in Jakarta furnished the names of about 5,000 Communist activists to the Indonesian Army and then checked off the names as the army reported that the individuals had been killed or captured .
14 His determination to ensure his private life remained private kept him hidden off screen .
15 POOL wizard Daz Ward potted a £100,000 windfall yesterday after being plucked off the dole queue .
16 ‘ Oh , me foot , I 've fell off the bed ! ’
17 The fisheries developed off Greenland and Iceland , started by colonial investment and now protected from foreign exploitation , are helping to raise standards of living ashore .
18 The offending wife would be clamped into the chair , which was on wheels , then propelled off the quay into the estuary where — temporarily at least — she might be silenced , to the relief of the husband and the general hilarity of all save the wife herself .
19 To die , to sleep ; To sleep : perchance to dream : aye , there 's the rub ; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil , Must give us pause .
20 When we have shuffled off this mortal coil
21 The other was the offspring of doting , bourgeois parents , who should have given off the opposite kind of vibrations .
22 63. — ( 1 ) : In every factory in which , in connection with any process carried on , there is given off any dust or fume or other impurity of such a character and to such extent as to be likely to be injurious or offensive to the persons employed , or any substantial quantity of dust of any kind , all practicable measures shall be taken to protect the persons employed against inhalation of the dust or fume or other impurity and to prevent its accumulation in any workroom , and in particular , where the nature of the process makes it practicable , exhaust appliances shall be provided and maintained , as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust or fume or other impurity , so as to prevent its entering the air of any workroom . ’
23 The place has given off a bad odour for years and I have always avoided it like the plague .
24 From these pits such an appalling stench was given off that scarcely anyone dared even to walk beside the churchyards . ’
25 Right so there 's a gas given off which is ?
26 Of test questions Er yeah , these are these are tricky , where they give you something like They give you a melting point and a boiling point whether it conducts electricity and a gas is given off which turns limewater milky .
27 Investigations of the pre-Moslem monoliths in the Maldive Islands situated off the coast of south-west India , have indicated Naga presence in that area , Thor Heyerdahl 's work The Maldive Mystery being significant .
28 The company have retained the leisurely atmosphere of the turn-of-the-century light railway being situated off the major tourist circuits .
29 Pebble Island is situated off the north shores of West Falkland , and has a lot to offer the birdwatcher : large colonies of penguins , king cormorants and other cliff- and shore-nesting species including several pairs of the superb red-backed hawk .
30 We are situated off the seafront , close to the Palace Pier .
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