Example sentences of "[vb past] full " in BNC.

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1 This view was echoed in a statement from the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd in which he insisted that the South African government bore full responsibility for keeping the troops in Ciskei and the other bantustans under control .
2 Of these , 51 per cent of the experiences reported as abusive involved no physical contact , 44 per cent involved physical contact but not sexual intercourse and 5 per cent reported full sexual intercourse .
3 He scrambled to his feet and charged full tilt down the side of the dell .
4 A second later she knew what the sound was , for having heard her too , the most beautiful Dobermann suddenly came tearing round the side of the house and charged full pelt at her .
5 This model found full expression in the final document of the exercise , where a specification for an ‘ entitlement curriculum ’ was given .
6 The exhibitionist streak that had been confined to fancy-dress parties at Virgin 's weekends away now found full public licence ; Richard Branson embarked on a sort of alternative career in fancy dress that would see him , over the years , photographed in airline captain 's uniform , as Peter Pan , Spider Man , City Gent and , on one occasion and for reasons that were never entirely clear , in the bath , wearing only bubbles and a cunningly placed newspaper .
7 Sir Richard was a brilliant man of many talents , which found full scope in his membership of the Admiralty Board of Invention and Research .
8 They have a new , quiet , charming , and very well qualified resident doctor Doctor Booth , who has made a special study of excess weight , and whom I found full of sound advice .
9 This species of Rasbora is quite easy to breed and provided full females and active males are chosen , they usually spawn successfully .
10 She provided full meals and basic decency for her many children .
11 Financially Henry treated his sons generously but he retained full power throughout his dominions .
12 After 1951 Winston Churchill and his Conservative successors protected the welfare state , maintained full employment , and conciliated the trade unions .
13 I wanted to be a writer ( hence the course ) but was also toying with the idea of the group , which I pursued full time after finishing .
14 He proposed full " tariffication " , a system ( advocated by the USA ) under which all import restraints , such as quotas , would be converted to tariffs so that they could be systematically reduced .
15 The first part involved full time study for six months , from January to June , and the second part , which finished in November , involved working on a supervised project .
16 Lawrence promised full commitment in his drive to make Middlesbrough the most successful club in the North-East .
17 Only one in six adults scored full marks in a test of six familiar words .
18 GALLIFORD , the construction company , boosted full year returns by 30 per cent on the back of a full one-point increase in pre-tax profits margins to slightly more than 5 per cent .
19 I played full back , tearing up the wing — a right clogger , always kicking people in the air .
20 Shop after shop filled full of plastic ‘ snow and shakes ’ of the falls , cushions proclaiming one 's love for the falls , key rings , tea sets , T-shirts ad infinitum .
21 Quiss had demolished a significant part of the castle when he first discovered this , unwilling to believe that the stones , every one of them , all the tens of thousands of cubic metres the castle must be composed of , all those kilotonnes of rock really were saturated , filled full of hidden , indecipherable lettering .
22 Boro recalled full back Curtis Fleming for the injured Gary Parkinson and Falconer was in the squad for the first time since suffering a knee injury in the Rumbelows Cup first round against Bournemouth in September .
23 With the advent of 110 mph running on the West Coast main line a number of Mk1 gangwayed full brakes ( fitted with B4 bogies ) coded NHA were specially maintained for high–speed running .
24 The leading vehicles are Mk1 gangwayed full brake carried on B4 bogies and Mk2 corridor first .
25 The cabinet slammed full against the shape , pinning it down and jamming sideways at the bottom of the stairwell .
26 So they must be paid all arrears of wages , granted full pension rights accruing through continuity of employment , and given any pay increases that would have been their due if they had not been dismissed .
27 Fenna came full of love and sorrow and joy .
28 Wilson , in the last minute , then broke from full-back , came full speed on to Coleman 's pass , and the Bradford defence was cut open again .
29 She came full circle around the house , and opened a door to find herself looking up again at the dangling corpse statue .
30 The wheel came full circle last year when he suddenly became ill with a bewildering illness eventually diagnosed as amyloid of the kidneys .
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