Example sentences of "[vb past] less " in BNC.

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1 In such circumstances , the armour needed by each individual provided less cover and was less cumbersome and cheaper than that required by the mounted knight .
2 The results , publishes in Child Development , showed that mothers of the facially deformed babies provided less stimulation for their child than mothers of normal children , and were less involved with them .
3 This threat posed less of a distraction to the horses than I would have hoped .
4 In almost every respect , they posed less of a menace than the civil and racial violence which he advocated and assisted as Mosley 's Director of Propaganda .
5 This was because the higher pressures and temperatures required more advanced materials engineering , which was often only worthwhile if there were also economies of scale ( the 200MW sets with advanced steam conditions built later , for example , used less than half as much steel per MW as the simple 30MW sets the BEA were installing ) .
6 On top of all this , world recession meant that industry used less gold and silver and that jewellers ' customers stayed away , as Gerald Ratner learned .
7 She said , as you said , they s she said they used less swearing and more please and thank yous .
8 Is it a question of economics , because if they were more efficient , that is if they used less fuel to get a given mileage , is it a question of the companies involved being unwilling to put the money into the development costs , or would cars that are more efficient cost a lot more money to buy ?
9 It 's bad enough looking through the new sections and the main articles and seeing nothing mentioned less than E4 , 6b .
10 Rats undergoing massive small bowel resection weighed less than controls both at one and two weeks whether or not they received CR-1409 ( 8–14% less at one week , p<0.001 ; 10–24% less at two weeks , p<0.001 ) .
11 For a brief moment later , he had picked her bodily up in his arms , and , as if she weighed less than nothing , was carrying her over to the bed .
12 A baby girl who was born sixteen weeks premature and weighed less than a bag of sugar has celebrated her first birthday .
13 Most have no-smoking areas or designated smoking rooms , but more than half the companies still without restrictions reported less tolerance for smokers .
14 Katz et al found that patients given epidural fentanyl shortly before thoracotomy reported less pain and used less supplementary analgesic afterwards , while others found no equivalent effect of epidural bupivacaine and morphine before major abdominal surgery .
15 In the first fortnight of the campaign readers of highbrow and lowbrow papers detected the same amount of bias in coverage of the Conservatives and the Alliance , though highbrow readers found less bias in coverage of Labour .
16 In consequence they had more free time for family and social activities and they found less problems in transferring the farm from father to son because the son could continue his own employment and live in his own house .
17 We then left Gt Yarmouth for another attempt at a passage northward and found less wind but a nasty swell outside the harbour .
18 Another was his ripostes to people whom he found less than entertaining — or important .
19 It cost less than a fiver a head — and there was n't a plate broken all night !
20 She would be drinking coffee as if it cost less than water , wearing alligator shoes made to fit her pretty feet , and watching at Tommaso 's side a parade of half-naked girls with bracelets round their legs , whirling to a drummer 's flying hands , while a group of handsome , grinning soldiers stood by .
21 Actually , I might just have had a little to do with his death , as it occurred less than a year after the Stoves lost their only child , Esmerelda .
22 Beveridge became more sanguine about the level of full employment which could be achieved at the same time as he proposed less control by the government over the economy .
23 The 58% who identified less dependence on farm income as a benefit represented those for whom the farm provided a considerable proportion of total income but which could not provide a living income on its own .
24 Goodway , now of Wigan , disappointed Reilly deeply by withdrawing from last year 's tour for personal reasons which seemed less than urgent , but the coach has sensibly decided against holding grudges .
25 This choice had advantages of feasibility , but was not made without the reservation that advantages for the generic approach might lie in its ability to transcend client group stereotypes ; this seemed less of a problem , however , with elderly people , who fall rather less ambiguously into a self-contained category of client than some others .
26 Strangely , it seemed less dark out on the water than on land .
27 Contemporary dealers Liliane and Michel Durand-Dessert , however , seemed less than enthusiastic about the results of their one-man show of gouaches by Gerard Garouste and unsure whether they could return next year .
28 The pattern seemed less than it should be — incomplete , provisional .
29 The Woman seemed less than a ghost , just a shape lying .
30 This seemed less than convincing when Angela McPherson replied that a Dorling Kindersley representative had been reported ‘ selling at 50% discount to my local school and I lost the order ’ .
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