Example sentences of "[coord] fifth " in BNC.

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1 Even if there had been tons of it , a fourth or fifth share could n't have amounted to five hundred pounds .
2 Dai Qing shocked the audience by declaring : ‘ I do n't care what Binyang says about his second kind of loyalty ; even the third , fourth or fifth kind of loyalty wo n't save China ’ .
3 But if the public expected from the Berliners memorable Beethoven and even more memorable Brahms ( a Brahms cycle appeared in 1964 ) , they were perhaps less prepared for the miraculously fluid Debussy record that appeared in 1964 — La Mer and Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune coupled with the Second Suite from Ravel 's Daphnis et Chloé — or recordings of Sibelius 's Fourth or Fifth symphonies that quite eclipsed the earlier Philharmonia recording , and the Shostakovich Tenth .
4 ‘ Mr Stevens , this is the fourth or fifth time in the past two days you have felt such a need .
5 After about the fourth or fifth month into the course of treatments , I began to feel a lessening of the pain , but not once had she confided that anything was wrong .
6 Wigglers with a high K value can produce a spontaneous spectrum rich in harmonics , and stimulated emission can be induced — eg at the third or fifth harmonic .
7 After my fourth or fifth lesson I was able to see that it was I who was causing myself the discomfort .
8 It 's not quite so good the second time around , never mind the fourth or fifth .
9 At the time , the CCCP was considered to be the third , fourth or fifth largest wine producing country in the world ; any reliable figures were buried in bureaucratic tangle .
10 Many vignerons , however , will wait until the fourth or fifth year to avoid over-straining the young vines , which in turn will ensure a longer and more productive life .
11 He said : ‘ He finished fourth or fifth in the Formula Renault Championship .
12 For security , every fourth or fifth row is nailed in place as well , but replacing an individual tile is usually fairly easy .
13 Moreover , through the agency of these men , many Scottish gentlemen found places as midshipmen on board East Indiamen and , with experience gained in that rank , could be advanced in the hierarchy of ship 's officers , although it must be conceded that an appointment as midshipman , or fifth or sixth officer of an Indiaman was not to be compared to the value of a writership or cadetship in the Company 's own service .
14 Generally the range is from 5 to 6 , but every fourth or fifth minimum is lower , and R Scuti may become hard to see with binoculars .
15 Take up every fourth or fifth board , so that you can reach between the joists and the undersides of boards .
16 And more : ‘ LEGA … represents en bloc the fourth or fifth grouping in Italy , behind IRL , ENI and Fiat , but more or less on a par with Montedison . ’
17 These two represent two extremes of difficulty : the first involves only initial letters , the second involves going to the fourth or fifth letter to decide on order .
18 Compacts are all about the celebration of success whether it occurs in the fourth or fifth years , sixth form or in further or higher education .
19 A vote is not a coin which , tendered to make a purchase , retains its full value even though what is eventually bought is the purchaser 's second or third or fourth or fifth choice .
20 She knew how to win that competition , too : when he reached through to her the fourth or fifth time , she did what she had often dreamt of doing before : kneeling up against the wall , she guided his hand and put it to her breast .
21 Certain military commanders were , however , PKI sympathisers , including the air force chief , Air Vice-Marshal Omar Dhani , who visited Peking and negotiated the delivery of 100 000 small arms to equip a people 's militia or Fifth Force .
22 As to the dock company , he pointed out that no nuisance was alleged to emanate directly from its premises , that other traffic besides heavy goods vehicles uses Medway and Bridge Roads on port business and that the dock company could only be liable for any nuisance caused by the fourth or fifth defendants if it aided and abetted it .
23 Sometimes , before he drank the fourth or fifth glass of Côtes-du-Rhone that would incapacitate him , he thought with guilt of the Flanders fields , with impotence of the forests where wolves ranged , — with the sense of temptation , secret delight , and energy welling up from unknown sources of Gauguin 's cold bluster , of Vincent 's two voices .
24 It must have been about the fourth or fifth time I went round to see him .
25 As the Middle East burns under a potent combination of Western information technology and chemical ‘ ordnance ’ , the benign third wave may now be being drowned in a less benign fourth or fifth wave .
26 Get on the train and get off at the third [ or fourth or fifth ] stop .
27 The Ora Maritima by Avienus may be based on a Massaliote periplous of the sixth or fifth century B.C. ( though this is a modern conjecture on shaky foundations ) .
28 However , along with the switch that could also be observed in connection with maternal age ( see Table 2 ) , the relationship assumed a more expressed " J " shape during the second half of the 1950s and , slowly , gave way around 1980 to an almost monotonously increasing linear form , disturbed only by random fluctuations after the fourth or fifth order .
29 He 's given me three dates when he 'd be delighted to meet us erm Friday the thirtieth of April , four of May or fifth of May , but other dates a as necessary .
30 And when she 'd driven Billy , a pimply second-year , up to my hall of residence at the start of his fourth or fifth term , I 'd been on hand to help them unload her Mercedes estate car .
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