Example sentences of "[coord] covered " in BNC.

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1 Panettoni are widely available at Christmas time , often with marzipan paste incorporated into the dough or covered with chocolate .
2 Both appeared as nearly naked as possible after the censor had cut or covered his pound of flesh .
3 You can have terracotta ones in the true flower-pot shape or covered with embossed designs in a sort of classical manner .
4 Roofs were made of thatch , or covered with pottery tiles which the Romans were the first to make in Britain .
5 In general you 're going to be paying £10 to £20 more for a fleece lined with Windstopper than a fleece lined or covered with some other material .
6 On this basis , art treasures which have been misplaced , lost or have ended up in private collections should either be returned or covered by compensation from the guilty party ’ .
7 We were expected to have enough initiative to overcome the physical problems , maybe when the streets were under water or covered in snow , to get to our appointment on time .
8 The area in the vicinity of welding and all below it should be thoroughly cleared of all flammable rubbish , the welding area should be screened as completely as possible , all inflammable materials should be removed or covered with fire protective sheets .
9 These lie in the soil — entangled in grass roots , beneath fallen leaves , under snow , or covered by sand — in vast quantities .
10 All they 've got in here is a little heap of Westerns and thrillers with half the pages torn out or covered in tea and snot .
11 Alternatively , you could make the screens or shutters easily detachable and have one surface painted or covered in fabric so that you could ring the changes when you felt like it or have different ones for summer and winter .
12 The back of the recess can then be mirrored to enlarge the sense of space or covered with art or fabric according to taste .
13 The hardcore is then ‘ blinded ’ with sand or covered with heavy-duty polythene and backfilled with soil to the surface .
14 This states that nominal interest rates from investments that are hedged ( or covered ) for exchange rate risk will be equal in all countries .
15 Do you want to come out of this covered in glory or covered in Tipp-Ex ?
16 make sure it 's knocked or covered by clothing .
17 Has smothered and covered in dust : the sweets of childhood , the matches of adolescence , the pills of maturity .
18 Go to the Third Eye Centre tomorrow , and you 'll find bed mattresses bolted to the wall , tarred and feathered , and covered in discarded clothes .
19 One dead soldier was in a sitting position , his back against a wall , his head leaning backwards with the eyes staring and mouth hanging open , his blonde hair matted and covered with blood .
20 Coal specially imported from England to Baltic seaports was still stuck there , so that most engines were fuelled with ‘ nothing but logs … in most cases wet and covered with ice and snow … giving no heat … .
21 It was small and poky , the carpet stank of sweat from all the bands that had rehearsed there over the years , the floor was rotten and covered with fungus More unpleasant smells came from the toilet that did n't work and the leaking skylight which let in so much rain the whole place was always damp .
22 The headlamps became two circular projectors housed in the wings and covered by plexiglass shells .
23 He was swabbed with spirit and covered with a cold wet sheet .
24 It seemed to take an unreasonably long time and much bad temper , evasion and deliberate obfuscation , together with consultation of a diary that appeared to be alternately blank and covered with scribbled hieroglyphics .
25 and covered with a duster
26 She was not in foal ; and both she and the colt were emaciated , wormy , and covered in lice .
27 And covered with sugar as sparkling as ice .
28 He was presented to the Headmaster in his sleeveless jacket , ragged trousers and covered from head to foot in dirt .
29 Most of the run is via motorway and covered at an average speed of 50–60mph .
30 Among these are silver reliquaries , a beautiful ivory cover ( diptych ) for an evangeliary , dating from the fifth-century and covered with early Christian designs and a later ( early eleventh-century ) cover for Archbishop Ariberto 's evangeliary , a magnificent work in gold and enamel .
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