Example sentences of "[coord] sent " in BNC.

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1 If the death is then considered to be from natural causes , the coroner will issue a notification that he does not consider it necessary to hold an inquest , and this may be given to the relative to take to the registrar or sent to the registrar direct .
2 If a relative wants to collect the ashes they can be collected or sent , but they will only be kept free for a time ( usually about a month ) — a charge will be made after that time .
3 Since 1965 , when the Communist party of Indonesia was blamed for an attempted coup and banned , and hundreds of thousands of communists were killed or sent to prison , the legal instrument most often used to curb political offences has been the Anti-Subversion Law .
4 His Central American agents and contacts were patted on the back , or sent into the field , with the words ‘ Vaya con Dios ’ , ( Go with God ) ; Calero remembered that he never left him without them .
5 In Britain , this used fuel with its lethal inventory is either carefully stored or sent for ‘ reprocessing ’ at the Sellafield plant in Cumbria , a procedure I shall describe in more detail later .
6 ‘ ( 2 ) The Company may , in accordance with section 251 of the Act and any regulations made under it , send a summary financial statement to any member instead of or in addition to the documents referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) above ; and where it does so , the statement shall be delivered or sent by post to the member not less than twenty-one clear days before the annual general meeting before which those documents are to be laid . ’
7 Application forms are available from the box office or sent with your tickets .
8 These were fostered by other strictly orthodox families or sent to hostels in north London — the girls to Stamford Hill , the boys to Amhurst Park .
9 At a period when Residents had no clerks and were lucky if they possessed a typewriter , Lugard was listing some thirty different sets of records which either had to be kept or sent in , dealing with every conceivable aspect of a fully developed civil administration from postal matters to canoe registration .
10 He only knew it must contain documents of great corporate sensitivity since it could not be mailed or faxed , or sent by commercial courier pouch .
11 18.1 Any notice required or permitted under the terms of this Agreement or required by statute , law or regulation shall , unless otherwise provided for , be in writing , and shall be delivered in person , sent by registered mail or air mail as appropriate , properly posted and fully pre-paid in an envelope properly addressed , or sent by telefax or by telex to the respective Parties as specified above or to such other address , telefax or telex number as may from time to time be designated by notice hereunder .
12 Service is sufficient if the document is addressed to a person named in that list and left at or sent by post to his listed address .
13 One school did , however , keep a record of which children and classes were brought or sent to the library and in which subjects , but these were not analysed ( until the evaluators analysed them ! ) and again did not discriminate between use of project and use of non-project purchases .
14 5 Ensure that an Outpatient appointment is made either before discharge or sent to the patient at a later date .
15 Everything brought or sent in has first to go through ‘ property ’ and spend a few days ( which usually become weeks ) there before you eventually get it .
16 It was planned to fly food to the north-east Kenyan town of Wajir , from where it would be trucked to Somali refugees living in UN camps along the Kenyan border or sent by air into Somalia .
17 Information about these processes does not disappear however , but is stored by the Mail System and can be displayed on the screen or sent to a file on the directory from which LIFESPAN is being accessed , to be read at a more convenient time .
18 The copy application may be served on each respondent personally or delivered or sent by first-class post to his residence or last known residence ( FPCR , r8(1) ; FPR , r4.8(1) ) .
19 The property information questionnaire should be handed or sent to the client-seller at the commencement of the transaction .
20 or sent for ?
21 In April 1981 he was again arrested for articles he had written in association with democracy activist Xu Wenli , tried in May 1982 and sent to prison .
22 Before their arrival at Heathrow , their passports and tickets were confiscated ; when the British Airways plane landed , they were separated from the other passengers , put into a van and driven around for several hours before being forced back on the plane and sent out of the UK .
23 Four Japanese specialists will be sent to help train management and staff , but graduates and other workers will be recruited locally and sent to Japan for training as necessary .
24 The £16m British Juno mission to send an astronaut to Mir is fast reaching the point where the final candidate and a backup will be chosen and sent to Moscow 's Star City for 18 months of training with Soviet cosmonauts .
25 Warnie , though forty-one , was recalled to active service , given the rank of major , and sent to France , where he remained until the evacuation from Dunkirk .
26 The impromptu petition was apparently drawn up at a dinner given by the Society of Dilettanti and sent to the Arts Minister , Mr Richard Luce .
27 He was dismissed in the opening minutes of Great Britain 's third Test with New Zealand for head-butting and sent off the following day for tripping Castleford 's Steve Larder .
28 But in the light of the collapse of the Berlin Wall , which occurred after this book was completed and sent to my publishers , we have changed its title to Britain 's Defence Dilemma : An
29 It is known that shortly after its discovery , a copy , now lost , was made and sent to Spain .
30 But Bella had gone ahead , all the same , and sent for it from a catalogue .
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