Example sentences of "[coord] called " in BNC.

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1 Within a few days people phoned or called to confirm their attendance .
2 A new Constitution , designed to usher in multiparty politics , was adopted after a " yes " vote recorded as 98.36 per cent in a referendum on Nov. 16 ; the new Constitution stipulated that the head of state " shall not be impeached , or called as a witness before , during and after his term of office " .
3 The only practical problem encountered ( apart from cases where the proffered acknowledgement form was ignored , and the seller returned his own acknowledgement form or called for a special negotiation ) was that some sellers ' administrative systems required the issue of their own acknowledgement form before an order could be logged .
4 Overseas groups and individuals from such places as Hong Kong , Norway , Malaysia , Kenya and the USA have also written in or called during our silver anniversary year .
5 He went out on to the landing , opened a window , and called out to the crowd : ‘ What do you want ? who are you ? ’
6 When people in the crowd pointed and called , the blurs disappeared .
7 Before the crowd could drift off , Cameron got up on the massive stone gate-post and called on them to swear an oath .
8 So Angus got up on to the rock and held his fist high and told young McCulloch to stand the hostages on a knoll where everyone could see them and called out the oath above the drone of the pipe : ‘ We do swear — never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — of this oppressive Act .
9 In admiring expositions revolutionary rhetoric is apparent : Derrida is said to have subverted Western thought , and called in question the customary concepts of philosophy , literature , and criticism .
10 A recent Protestant Church Synod , where speakers aired grievances and called for change , was a conspiracy ‘ to prepare the way for reunification ’ .
11 Similarly , it is shrewd of him to play for the internationalist vote after a prolonged period of sullen Little Englandism during which Labour threatened to withdraw from the Common Market and called into question this country 's role within Nato .
12 The plenum agreed a date for the 11th party congress , on 27 January , and called for elections for congress delegates under new democratic rules .
13 CONFERENCE delegates yesterday swept aside a warning from the party leadership and called for the next Labour government to take back into public ownership immediately land sold off by privatised water companies .
14 Tony Blair , Labour 's energy spokesman , last night described Lord Marshall 's letter as ‘ deeply disturbing ’ and called on John Wakeham , Secretary of State for Energy , for an explanation .
15 Senior Conservative MPs have already protested about the move and called on the Government to foot the £650m bill or risk losing key marginal seats at the next general election .
16 The local bishop , Johannes Hempel , spoke in all four churches , and called on the state to open a dialogue with the protesters .
17 It denounced Mr Lawson as ‘ This bankrupt Chancellor ’ and called for his dismissal .
18 In East Berlin , the well-known opposition figure , Pastor Rainer Eppelmann , said the talks set an example for the whole country , and called for a two-week period of calm on the streets .
19 ‘ Together we want to shape our fatherland in such a way that the growing material and cultural needs of each person can better be met , according to his contribution , ’ it said , and called for suggestions from the public .
20 When the ruling was announced yesterday , Bruno Gollnisch , a European Right MEP , shouted ‘ Dictator , dictator ’ at the Parliament 's president , Enrique Baron , and called other MEPs ‘ Gestapo men ’ .
21 They welcomed last month 's initiative by Mr Bush and called for a summit with him within 90 days .
22 I held on to her and called for help . ’
23 Mr Gollnisch had shouted ‘ Dictator , dictator ’ at Mr Baron on Wednesday and called other MEPs ‘ Gestapo men ’ .
24 He named the food supply crisis as the most important question of all , and called for a great ‘ crusade , against speculators and the ‘ kulak' , that recurring bogeyman of the regime until 1928 .
25 His landlady was nervous of strangers and called through the door , ‘ I 'm sorry , Mr Ramsey is out . ’
26 She clenched her fists , spread eagled her arms and legs and called , exultantly , to St Margaret that she was ready .
27 The report , compiled by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers ( IEHO ) , slammed poor safety procedures and the lack of supervision and rescue equipment , and called for tougher legislation to tackle the problem .
28 So Charles had the will but not the way and called on his friend Lady Salisbury to help .
29 Winter had been a huddle of darkness and hoPe , but now spring laid its probing finger on the hidden dust and called for recognition and ruthless change .
30 The Hindu rightwing Bharatiya Janata party yesterday condemned the massacre and called for a strike in Patiala today in protest against what a party spokesman in New Delhi described as ‘ criminal neglect by the administration to protect innocent people ’ .
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