Example sentences of "[coord] known " in BNC.

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1 As all the performers were either related to or known to the audience each act was greeted with loud and equal applause .
2 The fact is that I had never seen it , or known what I was seeing , until that day : …
3 In the making of aquavitae certain plants were utilised as additives , such as some members of the Leguminosae or vetch family , , literally ‘ mice pease ’ and known simply as vetch , and or known as bitter vetch ( Lathyrus montanus ) .
4 I had never really felt it before or known what it meant .
5 No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him . ’
6 For this reason , when games theorists talk about the Iterated or Repeated Prisoner 's Dilemma game , they always assume that the end of the game is unpredictable , or known only to the banker .
7 Long ago , those who attained this absolute knowledge explained : ‘ No longer can anyone bring before us anything that we have not already found , understood or known . ’
8 It 's often the result of months of chasing , and is very satisfying when that person is particularly famous , impossibly busy , or known to dislike talk shows .
9 The police pursue policies of differential deployment ( for example , swamping certain parts of London where the West Indian population is prominent ) and ‘ methodological suspicion ’ ( that is , routinely suspecting only a limited proportion of the population , particularly those with criminal records or known criminal associates ) .
10 The tight smell of men who have not washed their bodies or known clean clothes .
11 ‘ SRN readers may have some specialist knowledge of the railcars ’ actual operational history on foreign lines , be it personal knowledge or known literary sources . ’
12 Eden is always somewhere else , or someone else 's — or else it is snatched away after only a moment , at most , or only distantly seen , felt or known .
13 Among these stages are CD4 - CD8 - IL-2R + TCR - ( double negative , or DN ) and CD4 + CD8 + IL-2R - TCR low+ ( double positive , or DP ) cells , both of which are important control points at which some signal or stimulus from the thymic microenvironment is suspected or known to be required for proliferation or differentiation to proceed .
14 One lawyer at the French court observed that it had ‘ never been seen or known for the kingdom of France to be subjected to the government of the king of England ’ .
15 In applications where the domain is restricted or known in advance , semantic knowledge structures can be used to constrain the range of words that are statistically likely to occur within that subject area .
16 Thus the physical , biological or social can all be apprehended or known as images , things , hypothetical ideas or real ideas , with each level of knowing more real than the previous one .
17 The prisoner should have seen or known the information that was available to the minister , to the extent that I have indicated , and had an opportunity to make representations .
18 No one — absolutely no one — had seen a man called Kennedy arrive , or known anything about a man with that name .
19 And among them , or known to them , was a murderer .
20 The report suggests that the police regard true rape as occurring where one or preferably two of the following criteria are met : ( 1 ) complainer is attacked in her own home by intruder(s) ; ( 2 ) ‘ respectable ’ complainer attacked by strangers ; ( 3 ) complainer is severely beaten up ; ( 4 ) complainer is attacked by assailants wanted by or known to the police for crimes of violence ( especially against women ) ; ( 5 ) assailant uses weapon ; ( 6 ) assailant apprehended at scene of crime .
21 ( a ) the goods are free , and will remain free until the time when the property is to pass , from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the buyer before the contract is made , and
22 ( b ) the buyer will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known . ’
23 or known
24 * Presuppositions are sometimes embedded with particular verbs , including FACTIVE VERBS like " regret " or " know " , which presuppose that what is regretted or known is a fact .
25 ( c ) Law of Property Act 1925 , s62 By the Law of Property Act 1925 , s62 a lease of land will include all liberties , privileges , easements , rights , and advantages whatsoever appertaining or reputed to appertain to the land or any part thereof at the date of the lease , demised , occupied , or enjoyed with or reputed or known as part or parcel of or appertenant to the land or any part thereof .
26 The bailor warrants that he has the right to transfer possession for the period of the bailment , and that the bailee will enjoy quiet possession for the period of the bailment except so far as possession is disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance disclosed or known to the bailee before the contract was made .
27 This phenomenon can also be seen in trading stamp transactions so that s4(1) of the Trading Stamps Act 1964 ( substituted by s16(1) of SOGIT 1973 ) provides : In every redemption of trading stamps for goods , notwithstanding any term to the contrary on which the redemption is made , there is — ( a ) an implied warranty on the part of the promoter of the trading scheme that he has a right to give the goods in exchange ; ( b ) an implied warranty that the goods are free from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the person obtaining the goods before , or at the time of redemption and that that person will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known ; ( c ) an implied warranty that the goods are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such warranty ( i ) as regards defects specifically drawn to the attention of the person obtaining the goods before or at the time of redemption ; or ( ii ) if that person examines the goods before or at the time of redemption , as regards defects which that examination ought to reveal .
28 This phenomenon can also be seen in trading stamp transactions so that s4(1) of the Trading Stamps Act 1964 ( substituted by s16(1) of SOGIT 1973 ) provides : In every redemption of trading stamps for goods , notwithstanding any term to the contrary on which the redemption is made , there is — ( a ) an implied warranty on the part of the promoter of the trading scheme that he has a right to give the goods in exchange ; ( b ) an implied warranty that the goods are free from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed or known to the person obtaining the goods before , or at the time of redemption and that that person will enjoy quiet possession of the goods except so far as it may be disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance so disclosed or known ; ( c ) an implied warranty that the goods are of merchantable quality , except that there is no such warranty ( i ) as regards defects specifically drawn to the attention of the person obtaining the goods before or at the time of redemption ; or ( ii ) if that person examines the goods before or at the time of redemption , as regards defects which that examination ought to reveal .
29 In my experience , the only occasions when I have stalled unexpectedly and known what was happening at the time , have been in very fierce stubble fires and dust devils .
30 When Phnom Penh fell to the Khmer Rouge in 1975 he was head of the party , and known as ‘ Brother Number One ’ .
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