Example sentences of "[coord] ever " in BNC.

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1 I had no intention then , or ever after , of joining any group or ‘ movement ’ and I therefore sidestepped the Vorticists just as I sidestepped both the Imagists and the Amygists .
2 This idea has often been ridiculed by anthropologists who point out that there is no record or suggestion that there ever was , or ever could be , a stage of total sharing and total freedom of access by everybody at any time to anything .
3 I do n't think I 'm fully formed or ever will be , but my basic creative journey is now self-perpetuating . ’
4 The Bourne Identity is the best book I 've read or ever will read .
5 I thought , ‘ If your own mother does n't love you then no one loves you — or ever will . ’
6 An actor remembers the ‘ feel ’ of all the feelings he ever felt or ever sensed in others .
7 Now or ever . ’
8 Now , for the 10 per cent of house-buyers who rely on this report , or even the 15 per cent who rely on a mini-survey , that 's fine as far as it goes — and I would not wish to discourage anyone from having a professional survey , or ever advise against one — however , all the surveyors I know would prefer knowledgeable clients who had carried out their own surveys first and could present their results to them for investigation and comment .
9 PI Associates , sole manufacturers of PolyPads , wish it to be known that Bridlesuite of Lanarkshire have never been supplied with or ever stocked genuine PolyPads .
10 This means that the board will not have to reprocess as soon as in the past ‘ or ever at all ’ .
11 The all-embracing claim , that all that has happened , or ever will happen is attributable to such a ‘ god ’ , acting in mankind 's interest , has done much to alienate thoughtful people from all the proffered religions of the past .
12 Despite the supposed safe-guard of a detailed District Plan , development of housing is presumed to be either totally out of control or else subject to inconsistent or ever changing planning policies .
13 I ca n't recognize you , now or ever .
14 I do not intend , now or ever , to become involved in any controversy about downwind turns , but when making downwind turns with a helicopter you should ensure that your groundspeed downwind is faster than the wind speed ( Fig. 5.12 ) .
15 It was without doubt the most beautiful thing she had ever owned , or ever would .
16 Although Piers Place was the most beautiful house I had owned or ever would own , it always seemed to be in need of structural repairs , there was a large attic floor which we did n't need ourselves and yet were disinclined to furnish for renting out , and the traffic on the main road outside seemed to increase with every year .
17 No disaster struck then , or ever .
18 Perhaps it will come as no surprise to my readers to hear not only that all knowledge of selling me a coffin was denied but even that they were now , or ever had been , coffin-manufacturers .
19 The Reading Festival of 1988 was the worst music-related experience I have ever had , or ever expect to have .
20 No British university , in any case , is or ever has been socially exclusive , and the myth of an undergraduate Brideshead of champagne lunches set among gothic quadrangles is little more than an effect of Evelyn Waugh 's selective social recollection .
21 I can not tell you everything about roses , because I do n't know it all — nobody does , or ever will .
22 But there was not yet a drug invented , or ever likely to be , that could cope with all the different and complex actions and judgements that make up a round of tournament golf .
23 An evening of black humour , surrealist monologues and mixed media performance including Notes on Noise by Oscar McLennon and Or Ever What Leaving Was by Anne Seagrave .
24 Despite these strategies , applied in both depressed and prosperous Britain , it can not be argued that there is or ever has been a clearly defined national population-distribution policy in the UK .
25 It is unlikely that anyone could be sentimental about such places — or ever quite unlock their hold on a distant stratum of the imagination .
26 Or ever .
27 No price was in fact paid or ever intended to be paid .
28 Although he 'd written that I was not a fantasy for him , he had dreamed me , written me , into a woman far less flawed than I am , or ever could be .
29 Bradshaw and Millar found that 24 per cent of lone mothers who were or ever had been on income support said they had been , or would be , unwilling to give such information to the DSS .
30 But if we begin with the assumption , say , that there is at least one star in the heavens that never has been , or ever will be , discovered or talked about , then evidently no meaningful let alone true singular proposition can be produced in support of such an assumption , for no such object can be named .
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