Example sentences of "seen as [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The way labour is organized — the division of labour — is itself seen as depending upon the wage levels , the availability of different skills and the extent of unionization .
2 The first is that the act of self-poisoning may have been rewarding in so far as any subsequent positive changes could be seen as resulting from the act itself .
3 Second , that ‘ splits ’ within the psyche should be seen as resulting from the interference of patriarchal or male-dominated socialisation or conditioning .
4 As we have seen , one of the main intentions of interactionism was to get away from the conservative , causal-corrective stance that was seen as resulting from the determinism and absolutism of positivist criminology .
5 If the researcher is seen as connected with the authority structures of the institution , will this not have some effect on the behaviour of those being observed ?
6 This impression of the object of have being represented as completely submissive to the will of the person referred to by the subject explains moreover the use of the bare infinitive with this verb : this exercise of control by the causer over the causee can be seen as persisting throughout the realization of the infinitive event .
7 Such an outcome would place priorities on their head and , accordingly , the receiver should be seen as acting in the right of the debentureholder .
8 The result was the development of strong anarcho-syndicalist tendencies within the labour movement in which the potential for revolutionary political change was seen as residing in the trade unions or syndicats , so that ‘ the workers , schooled by militancy , made irresistible by the all-powerful weapon of the general strike , would take over society themselves , without need of a political party ’ ( Kendall , 1975 , p. 17 ) .
9 This view is sometimes seen as represented in the Gospel of John .
10 This can be seen as referring to the relationship between ‘ inputs ’ and ‘ outputs ’ when comparing the achievements of different groups of students and different institutions .
11 The SOC , without actually rejecting the plan , gave the least enthusiastic response , with strong reservations about disarmament and about the SNC assuming direct control of key ministries , which was seen as amounting to the dissolution of the SOC government .
12 They could only accept evolution if it were a process that gave rise to regular , predictable developments in accordance with some preordained plan that could be seen as originating in the mind of God .
13 The recent cognitive revolution in psychology has meant that an individual 's behaviour is now rarely viewed in simple behaviourist terms as solely a product of rewards and punishments , but is seen as influenced by the individual 's own , often idiosyncratic , view of their situation .
14 All these levels may be seen as controlled by the relationship of the people involved in the discourse , which we may regard as the highest level .
15 The solution to the problems of shirking and positional conflicts of interest is traditionally seen as lying in the governance function performed by the shareholders .
16 Poland 's long-term security was seen as lying in the creation of a Euro-Atlantic security system , and future membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) was confirmed as an aim .
17 It is recognised that the established electoral system does discriminate against third parties securing seats in proportion to votes , but this is defended because of the virtues that are seen as flowing from the fact that the system helps to ensure that just one party has a secure majority in the Commons and is therefore able to form a government without the need for coalition .
18 At other times it may be barely admitted to consciousness , if whatever it was is seen as threatening to the self .
19 More curiously still , by promoting the figure of Charlemagne , Otto has also been seen as contributing to the creation of the French state : ‘ The notion that there was such a country as France , at a time when the royal authority was very little recognised outside the narrow boundaries of the royal domain , the Île de France , was fostered by the legend of Charlemagne . ’
20 The army , long seen as standing above the fray , dirtied its reputation in Kashmir earlier this year .
21 On the level of social meaning , the transition could be seen as associated with the move from a period dominated by the modernist critique of mass culture to the period of ‘ post-modernism ’ .
22 Such personalities were seen as objectifying within the personality a particular sort of social and political ideology , which was the product of determinable social processes .
23 From the medical perspective , the problem , if it is a ‘ problem ’ , is seen as located in the individual , its origin lying in an innate physiological disorder which brings it into the realm of medical jurisdiction .
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