Example sentences of "fact that [pers pn] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that they arranged for a petition from the inhabitants of Southwark , complaining about those who had welcomed the Palatines , to be presented to the Commons on the same day that they brought in the bill of repeal , suggests that contemporary politicians ( unlike some modern-day historians ) did believe that popular pressure could have a powerful impact on events at Westminster .
2 The fact that he appeared for every show wearing an immaculate double-breasted blue suit with a carnation in his lapel only served to further that reputation .
3 The value of Black 's theory lies in the fact that it allows for a conception of metaphor as the interaction between two discourses , but like Goodman 's concept of imperial appropriation , it has overtones of subjugation .
4 It 's also the fact that I know for a fact , I know for a fact that she 's very frightened of his temper when it happens .
5 They 'd have registered the fact that I work for an advertising agency , and marked me accordingly : ‘ I do think essentially he 's a popular artist , do n't you ? ’
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