Example sentences of "men who had [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They were almost all men who had risen from the lower middle or even working class .
2 Of the 65 men who had languished in the cells , only 34 remained .
3 By 1922 the team of brilliant men who had governed for the past six years could not but see themselves as irreplaceable .
4 The young Palestinian men who had gathered in the room to hear her story sat quietly , knowing that she would finish her grief and that this was a ritual even if it was a deeply felt one .
5 We began to take men who had volunteered for the guards , but who had been found by senior Service Medical Officers to be suffering from tuberculosis .
6 By the early seventies , Teheran was littered with forgotten men who had worked in the government or the court and had once-once was too often-dared to question a decision or a policy and had thenceforth been frozen out of all official life .
7 Three old men who had worked in the mines were found " … being all there alive in this County " , and based upon their evidence — " An account of the names of the severall Copper Workes or Mynes in Coniston fells that wer wrought in , when the smelt houses were up at Keswick .
8 They were no less repugnant to tens of thousands of men who had fought in the previous war , as they would have been to tens of thousands more who died in it .
9 Here they were , objects of suspicion to be interrogated by the police , and not even noticed by the one or two newspaper men who had arrived at the hotel .
10 TED 'S POSITION as eighth alternate meant that eight men who had qualified for the heats would have to drop out before he was summoned .
11 It was impossible to be sure whether these were new recruits to the Krishnapur field , perhaps freed from the victorious siege of the feringhees somewhere else on the plain , or simply men who had deserted during the rains returning now to finish the job .
12 Even here more was achieved by the " patriotic labour " men who had originated in the Labour movement and stayed in it , such as Jack Jones in West Ham .
13 The final blow in 1933 was when Granny lost his life while landing a Sportster , trying to avoid two men who had wandered onto the runway .
14 Most of the local men who had come for the conventicle , had come armed in case of a surprise attack , and many of the others agreed to arm themselves , but additional men would be required if the Dragoons were to be confronted .
15 The frustration was perhaps greatest among the senior men who had come from the company sector , but municipal engineers also could find the professional , full-time and expert Central Authority control daunting in comparison with the earlier part-time , politically-appointed municipal electricity committees which had been easier to manipulate .
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