Example sentences of "men who [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these men who passed through the Met Office were unforgettable characters .
2 Forty-four-year-old Robin Phelps from Brockweir was one of two men who died after the gantry they were working on collapsed and fell more than a hundred and fifty feet into the Severn in September ( 1990 ) nineteen-ninety .
3 Even he did n't consider such deeds heroic ( heroes are usually frightened men who rise to the occasion ) , but saw himself as just a reckless fool whose luck would one day run out .
4 The last of the boxes were being transferred from the back of the truck now , carried by men who sweated under the effort despite the chill wind that had come with the onset of the night .
5 Local radio reports said four men and three women , were killed execution-style by two men who came into the club on the outskirts of Fresno and ordered people to lie face down .
6 Eliot describes how working men who went to the music hall to see Marie Lloyd and who joined in the chorus were performing part of the business of acting , collaborating with the artist in a manner essential in all art , most obviously ( for Eliot ) in dramatic art .
7 The men who lived at the graphite pits in 1898 — 9 were the same persons who would be likely to get up in the middle of the night to help take stolen cattle five kilometres to the next relay team , thereby earning a little money and easing the tedium of village life .
8 Yes , Lynn , I left the theatre because I was tired of the life , and because I was tired of men — well , the men who come to the theatre .
9 Many men who obtained small posts as excisemen were not themselves members of a burgh council , but it would be unusual to find revenue officers in Scottish towns without close political links with men who mattered in the politics of burgh or county .
10 The demonstrators want Britain to apologize for the executions of nine men who fought for the island 's independence in the fifties .
11 Out of the eight men who fell in the fight , only three still breathed .
12 Even higher losses could be expected among men who responded to the lure of privateering , or whose ship took out a letter of marque .
13 Black men and white men who care for the country , and for their children 's future , are working at it .
14 Moreover , from an additional 90 homosexual men who seroconverted between the start of the homosexual cohort in October 1984 and the start of the present study in April 1989 , none suffered from pneumonia in the six months before seroconversion .
15 However , we have looked at the men who operate outside the Premier 's direct influence , at the men whose phone calls no one ever puts on hold .
16 If it is hard to generalize about the pattern of farming , it is no easier to summarize the resources or standing of the men who worked on the land .
17 Well it 's interesting , actually , because I 've heard that before erm the piece that Audrey read out , and in fact erm someone in the City Council , a women in the City Council , put it on the front of her door and there was an outcry by many of the men who worked in the City Council .
18 The men who worked around the building acknowledged a secret circle that surrounded their camp Commandant and their camp KGB officer .
19 Flattened , frayed cigarette stubs , carefully arranged by the little men who live under the linoleum , dance about partnered by well chosen old stick of match .
20 All the sounds of the valley end here in my room , and the women speak in front of me — of Hywel and Beuno and Elizabeth and me — and the men who work on the farm piss in the hedgerow in front of me because they all think I am dead .
21 The men who work in the hole say it is a pig to work there . ’
22 After giving the names of three men from Newcastle , Middleton told the jury : ‘ They were the men who broke into the bank .
23 Besides those who waited to journey together there were others who came up out of the forest alone and who seemed to belong there , men licensed by the Lord Warden to carry on their trade in certain parts of the forest , woodmen , trappers , charcoal burners , for the most part a silent surly sort of men who emerged from the forest , went briefly about their business , had little to say for themselves , and then disappeared into the solitude again .
24 And men who turned towards the light and were known of the light Invented the Higher Religions ; and the Higher Religions were good
25 Many reunions of the men who flew to the airfield all over East Anglia , but yesterday saw the biggest ever get-together of combat airmen in Britain .
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