Example sentences of "often [verb] in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , it often irritates in the same way when you first start to drink spirits you feel
2 The ginkgos are often placed in a separate group .
3 The shepherding within the house church movement has also met a need in people seeking direction , howbeit often given in an over-paternalized way .
4 This could also be because women with unexplained lower abdominal pain are often referred in the first instance to gynaecologists , who may not consider an intestinal cause until they have removed the pelvic organs .
5 For weeks , staying in youth hostels and living off substantial farmhouse teas , I wandered the Dales in all weathers , often struggling in the fine morning drizzle along high paths that led only into the clouds , then turning , rewarded , to watch the sunlight dipping through the hills and valleys as the rain stopped , glistening on the crags and throwing giant shadows on the slopes .
6 The most usual category of finds needing conservation is metalwork , but this can often remain in a stable condition for several months ; on the other hand , finds such as those of wood or leather require immediate conservation on site as they are excavated .
7 Pollsters often slip in an extra question with the hope of later flogging the results , cut-price , to a fish paste manufacturer . )
8 The reason often lies in an over-eager management who are continually hounding the PRO for more column inches or to keep up with the supposed coverage of competitors .
9 A hill or valley can often act in the same way as an enormous sail and bend the wind over a large area .
10 The Belouch nomads who roam the borderlands of Persia and Afghanistan are often included in the general Turkoman group , although their rugs are sufficiently different in character and appearance to warrant a separate classification .
11 Interdigitating dendritic cells are therefore believed to function primarily as antigen presenting cells , although they are often included in the generic term ‘ macrophages ’ .
12 The answer might seem to be that experience tells us that nation states are a key fact of the current world and that they plainly do often behave in a self-interested way .
13 THE state of Kerala is where history is often made in the Indian subcontinent .
14 After her poem drew one in reply , Ella Wrote an article in prose in the next issue in which she put a point often made in the later period ( see Chapters 5 and 7 ) by women workers , and one which is central to the debate on women 's pay generally .
15 Its part is often written in the treble clef on G ( 2nd line ) but it is quite immaterial which clef or note is used , provided that a note different from those used for the side-drum and triangle ( if these appear in the same score ) is chosen .
16 History has shown that the insensitivity of civil or military rulers to such pressures often results in a civil war , coups or revolutions which can bring about a sudden change in a country 's political ideology and attitudes to private enterprise .
17 But worse still , if the pilot is able to pick up the dropped wing after the initial swing , because of the acceleration the controls suddenly become effective , and this often results in the other wing touching just as the aircraft becomes airborne .
18 As it has often done in the modern period , the experience of war had given those who had taken part in it and survived it a new and more confident awareness of their own worth and standing .
19 The relations between central and local government are too often seen in an oversimplified light .
20 However , these normally assume production processes based on a single plant producing one good , whereas in modern production methods , output is often manufactured in a complex set of multi-plant , and multi-product operations and some of these plants are quite small .
21 Since a conglomerate is often acting in a fiduciary capacity , or as an agent owing special duties of care and skill to its client , certain equitable obligations are imposed .
22 Nevertheless as part of the cooking or heat treatment process dry heat is often applied in a widespread manner .
23 The problems with eating are often reflected in a general relationship difficulty .
24 Often needed in the first stage of high grade inflammations , fevers and congestions with great anxiety , heat and restlessness ; tosses about , throws off the covers .
25 It could encompass all members of the double-reed family , from treble to bass ; in addition it was often used in a general sense , simply to indicate an ensemble of woodwind instruments , but not necessarily any specific ones .
26 I am glad Tom Regan mentioned this word , because it is often used in the wrong sense , as he implied , simply for anyone whose ideals are rather extreme .
27 Such references to the freedom of the divine will were often used in the seventeenth century to justify attacks on rationalist theories of nature , whose authors presumed to know how God must have shaped the world .
28 The following woodwind instruments , in addition to those described above , are often used in the full orchestra .
29 Cars and lorries of all sizes are often used in the same way , with roadways , intersections , bridges and unloading bays made from blocks or other materials .
30 Congress , there 's a very familiar phrase which is often used in the English language , a phrase which many of you may have used yourselves from time to time .
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