Example sentences of "often [verb] a [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do you often experience a surge of interest in a particular period of history after turning up a find that appears to connect with those years ?
2 Not only does this help people to understand the problems of deafness , but it often produces a lot of fun .
3 The Dark Ages are often considered a time of retrogression , but it was not until the period drew to its close that the cattle of Britain began to deteriorate quite seriously .
4 In writing a program , one often has a lot of freedom in the use of bound variables : not only in where they are declared , but also in whether to declare a new variable or re-use an old one .
5 ‘ Men often put a lot of energy into the courtship period ’ , warns Jane Hawksley , ‘ never use that as a gauge for the future .
6 In late spring , snow surfaces within a few hundred metres of the coast often show a flush of colour , usually pink , green or brownish-yellow , caused by patches of unicellular or colonial algae .
7 Questions about perceptions were framed in terms of awareness rather than approval , though the partisan nature of the answers often betrayed a lack of objectivity .
8 In a quiet way she was a heavy drinker and often needed a dash of caffeine in the morning .
9 In view of all this it is perhaps not surprising that current practice often includes a system of settlement , under which the member is asked to admit some or all of the charges without a formal hearing .
10 It is true that individual plantations lose these species rapidly once the thicket stage is reached , but other species move in and large areas of plantation often exhibit a variety of growth stages from clear fell to mature trees , which further increases the diversity of birds present .
11 But the Recycling Rose does not always smell sweet , because recycling waste can often cost a lot of money ; and buying recycled products can often cost more than ‘ raw ’ products .
12 Procedural due process is often called a kind of fairness or a kind of justice , for example .
13 These teas are unblended and have strong , distinctive flavours — one bag will often produce a pot of tea for two people .
14 An event such as a school centenary can often produce a wealth of material from the local community .
15 Children and adolescents may often have a combination of conduct and emotional problems .
16 The question , ‘ Why do you have the farm ? ’ often evoked a look of surprise followed by a period of silence .
17 People often feel a sense of frustration that they are not moving up quickly enough when they join ICI .
18 In reality biological knowledge is often no more secure than psychological knowledge but psychologists often feel a sense of inferiority in the face of biological data .
19 It would be an interminable occupation were it not for the fact that what one learns about the landscape of one town often throws a flash of light upon a topographical puzzle in another .
20 For this reason , an increase in population density often precipitates a round of emigration .
21 In the subsequent scramble for survival and enrichment which mounted towards the end of 1922 , it was not surprising that those who were slightly better off often took a kind of revenge in driving hard bargains with their poorer neighbours , as has been noted earlier .
22 For many seminary-trained churchmen this was a radical change in both direction and spirit after some eighty years of official censures and directives , which too often saw a danger of heresy whenever the human part in the dialogue of revelation and the development of doctrine were explored .
23 This rational presentation often follows a period of ingratiation through which the subordinate aims to get superiors to like him as a charming but intelligent expert .
24 Indeed the quality ‘ capture ’ often means a lot of work with perhaps only one detection — if that — at the end of the day .
25 Companies who want to open a new store or shop often do a lot of research into socioeconomics .
26 Most people do not realize that Jews can pray together without a rabbi , and that the rabbi 's job is often to clarify a point of law or resolve a dispute , rather than to lead a congregation in prayer .
27 Italian salami often contain a mixture of pork and beef , whereas the French are more likely to keep to a pure pork sausage .
28 But if some nosey neighbour says she often spends a lot of time with me , those policemen are going to pile into her like teeth tearing into a peach .
29 The landlords of this period often had a bond of sympathy with their tenants in that they too had to struggle for a living , and that their living conditions , especially in the tenth and early eleventh centuries , were not widely different .
30 I think these projects have , within their localities , often faced a lot of criticism , because they have perhaps been trying to move too far or too fast .
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