Example sentences of "took [pers pn] to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My father took me to the Soviet Union when I was very small .
2 I got on the buses at Trafalgar Square , it took me to the other end and brought me back again , and I got down and got on another one .
3 Crilly took me to the old town once ; it was a sooty place just north of the city , bordered by cakey cliffs and a greasy sliver of sea and a forlorn lighthouse jutting into the grey Irish sky , flashing blurry and red through the low clouds , omitting a lackadaisical moo only from time to time .
4 And she says her day with Becky and the team was a revelation : ‘ The Granada Reports people came to my house to film me in some of my own clothes and then took me to the Hillcrest Hotel in Widnes where I had my hair styled and my make-up done , and then tried on lots of different outfits .
5 Hawkins , a Devon merchant , had seen that the demand for slaves from Africa was increasing in South America , and in 1562 he sailed — in the way many Englishmen were to do in the seventeenth and eighteenth century — to West Africa , bought slaves , took them to the Caribbean ports , and sold them at a profit .
6 Earlier in the year fittingly , during Passover , the festival which celebrates the Israelites ' escape from Egypt and the beginning of the journey which eventually took them to the Promised Land — Rabbi Moishe announced with quiet satisfaction that their contributions had mounted up to a sum sufficient to buy three hundred dunams of land in Palestine , that the purchase was in the process of being arranged on their behalf by the Jewish National Fund , and that he himself would lead an advance party of settlers from Cork before the end of 1920 .
7 The opening encounter took them to the small island of St Vincent , where the pitch was some way from international standard .
8 I took them to the dry cleaner 's this afternoon . ’
9 She showed them the small lake in its ring of reeds , took them to the first slopes of the mountain , rigged up a fishing rod for Michael and took him to the part of the lake she used to fish as a girl , and soon he was shouting out in glee as he missed the ravenous little perch or swung them out over his head on to the bank .
10 And as part of the deal , I had some petty cash with which to buy them all sandwiches and coffee so they could get changed or dressed while they ate and I took them to the next job if they had one , or wherever they wanted to go .
11 The tablets she found later and took them to the Social Work Department to be sent to the child .
12 While the aircraft was unloaded the crew was spirited away by car through the back roads of the airport by a civilian with a machine-gun , who took them to the old Sheraton Hotel and offered them cakes and coffee .
13 She took him to the far aisle and showed him the salt tablets .
14 Fox arrived with an assistant and Wycliffe took him to the vandalized room .
15 So much of his daily duty took him to the general neighbourhood of these places it was n't easy , but mercifully no bumping into the angry Charity occurred .
16 His service in the Royal Artillery in the Second World War took him to the Middle East , and there he was able to develop his interest in military architecture through the study of the citadel at Damascus , and the siege of the crusader castle of Krak des Chevaliers .
17 I took him to the first Giants game when he was three .
18 Persistent rain prevented a resumption until 5pm on Saturday and a single by Hick off Winston Benjamin took him to the 20,000 mark .
19 His first trip , in 1952 , took him to the Korean battlefront .
20 These journeys took him to the furthest extent of the colonies , from Lake Ontario to Virginia and into the Carolinas and Florida .
21 His mother once again took him to the prefectural hospital , not to the university hospital .
22 Hopes are high Tonight he meets Keith Knox of Bonnyrigg , whose big hitting took him to the Scottish title .
23 I got him into the factory and from there we got the ambulance and … and I took him to the Royal Victoria Infirmary . ’
24 about the other on be the pony , that took him to the wrong house .
25 Then he received an offer to appear in Return from the River Kwai , which took him to the steaming jungles of the Philippines .
26 He took her to the Regal Arms Hotel .
27 Two quick steps took her to the vacated table where she seized the bottle of aquavit , neatly topping up both glasses .
28 Two half-run strides took her to the only way out : the lift .
29 The elevator took her to the top floor of the highrise that housed the health club with its big swimming-pool , Jacuzzi , sauna , Turkish bath and view of Paris .
30 He took her to the deserted camp laundry : a large hut with a great copper the size of a steam-engine , a line of deep sinks , and rows of drying lines .
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