Example sentences of "took [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Field work to acquire the specimens that I drew took me scuba-diving in the warm , subtropical waters of Natal and Zululand and braving seasickness on a research ship off the Transkei coast .
2 Today I made a break with habit and tradition , and took my lunch at the New Born Restaurant .
3 After lunch I recrossed the road to the newsagents , and took my place at the wailing wall of the pornography section .
4 Hassan , who was usually with him in Abu Dhabi as well as England , manoeuvred into the rear seat of the Mercedes and I took my place beside the young son who had long since graduated into a licensed driver .
5 As I took my place in the darkened centre stage for the opening of the first act , and the lights slowly came up , I saw a sight which I 've never seen before , a sight which chilled me to the marrow and froze me to the spot .
6 Very slowly I took my weight on the good hand and slid my feet over the rim of the tub .
7 Full of beans , I took my seat at the stalled dinner .
8 Liber was already a major schoolbook publisher and its acquisition of Almqvist & Wiksell Läromedel as part of the Esselte deal took its share of the Swedish textbook market to nearly 65% .
9 Customers of the rival Lambeth Water Company , which took its water from the upriver source of Thames Ditton and which served houses in the same London streets , suffered only a sixth of their risk .
10 The shadow cabinet therefore took its decision in the clear knowledge that it would have a fight on its hands , but it did so with the support of Lansdowne and Law .
11 The offence took its title from the French ‘ effrayer , ’ to frighten , and its essence was that the defendant deliberately took part in fighting or other acts of violence of such a character as to cause alarm to the public .
12 These terraces grew into the village we know today as Middleton St George , which took its name from the ancient parish in which it was situated .
13 The village took its name from the Roman road or straet known as the Gartree Road which passes close to the little limestone church of St Giles that now stands all alone on the skyline .
14 Slateford village took its name from the predominating rock of the area and the ford which was a major crossing point of the river .
15 During his seventeen years as Chairman the BDDA progressed not only inside the United Kingdom , but , as the representative organisation of the deaf community of Great Britain , it also took its place within the international deaf community .
16 And they took their case to the small claims court .
17 They want the Government to buy it and today they took their case to the High Court in London .
18 Several townspeople were so depressed at the semi-popish ways of Charles I and Archbishop Laud that they took their idealism to the New World , to a new and more perfect Dorchester .
19 They also took their campaign onto the national stage through their participation in the Anti-Nuclear Power Show at the Carnsore Point site .
20 Twenty years ago Civil Rights Marches in the Six Counties took their inspiration from the Black Civil Rights Movement in the US .
21 Today Michelle Howard took her case to the High Court , where she hopes to prove that Wessex Health Authority was liable .
22 ‘ She took her insulin at the right time , and ate properly ? ’
23 She took her coffee into the other room and Alain stayed .
24 Throughout the RPF years , he took his message to the French people in person .
25 Then Sven Hjerson took his revenge for the past tiresome two hours .
26 All conversation ceased and the firecrackers quietened suddenly by some invisible command as the emperor took his leave of the Resident Superior and the governor of Cochin-China ; the other French officials and guests immediately began lining up to file past and shake the sovereign 's hand in farewell .
27 ‘ He took his suit through the full panoply of law — Doctors ’ Commons , then a court of common law , and finally the House of Lords . ’
28 Smiling at the round of applause from his audience , he took his seat on the front chaise longue and the show began .
29 Ismail Mahomed became the first black judge in the country 's history when he took his seat in the Supreme Court on Aug. 12 .
30 He took his account of the little balance as well as some research on centres of gravity and travelled to Rome to impress a couple of eminent intellectuals , and he succeeded , being appointed professor of mathematics at Pisa when he was 25 , though he had never had a university degree .
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