Example sentences of "often see as a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is often seen as a subject with very limited aims , usually the acquisition of knowledge and information about ages remote from our own , and whose teaching is restricted to dictated notes , copying from textbooks and rote learning .
2 Yet in the first half of the century the number of unmarried women increased substantially , so that they formed a significant minority group Spinsters maintained an anomalous social position and were often seen as a threat to a society that assumed all women would marry and be subject to the control of their husbands [ Hill , 229–30 ] .
3 The struggle , however , was most often seen as a defence of traditional liberties , not of ‘ liberty ’ itself .
4 It is always hard to forgive people because forgiveness is often seen as a sign of weakness and we feel vulnerable enough after we have been hurt that we tend to build a wall between ourselves and those who have offended us , rather than to have the strength to forgive them and therefore become reconciled with them .
5 Furthermore , the harvest feast was often seen as a focus for the customary rights of agricultural workers , including the crucial right of access to common land .
6 ‘ Our next guest is often seen as a maverick in the world of needlework ’
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