Example sentences of "women who have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 SIR , — Dr Jha and colleagues ( May 1 , p 1116 ) report antibodies against human papillomavirus ( HPV ) 16 E7 peptide ( originally reported by Mueller et al ) among women who had been diagnosed with cervical carcinoma on average 4 years before being contacted for donation of a serum sample .
2 Police discovered stolen credit cards in his bedroom belonging to four women who had been mugged in the Acton area of West London , offences which all took place while he was on bail .
3 In both these settings , women who had been toiling in their communities came to conference to exchange ideas and information , and to gain strength by being together .
4 ( 1977 ) found that those women who had been separated from either or both of their own parents in the context of a disrupted early family life interacted with their babies considerably less than the rest of the mothers .
5 Films such as Citron 's Daughter Rite adopted a format borrowed from the personal testimony ( the diary , the autobiographical voice ) but exposed the illusory nature of ‘ unmediated ’ film-making by revealing in the credits that the two women who had been reminiscing in the film were in fact actresses playing sisters .
6 In the Philippines last year , an investigation team found two ‘ disappeared ’ women who had been missing for several months .
7 On the way back to the Hankses ' cottage with Anna , Seb and the navvies met one of the gipsy women who had been enquiring after the missing girl in the village .
8 This includes women who 've been trying for a test tube baby , have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted diseases , have suffered previous ectopic pregnancy , or surgery on their tubes , and those who 've had infertility problems .
9 Do you get many complaints from women who 've been bothered by blokes ?
10 Or perhaps Miss Hopper should speak to the women who 've been raped by some of the men in here .
11 Last week the Government warned that around 300 women who 'd been injected with a hormone called gonadotrophin , extracted from the pituitary glands of human corpses , could be at risk .
12 She sat back , munching , face red but eyes twinkling , and with those eyes indicated the two women who 'd been looking at us ; then she raised one finger and pointed first at me , then at her .
13 At the end of our corridor is the playroom where the children not yet in school spend their days with playworkers — unemployed women who 'd been signing on the dole before getting these " work experience scheme " jobs funded by the Manpower Services Commission .
14 There is some evidence that cervical cancer is more common in women who smoke cigarettes , especially heavy smokers or women who have been smoking for several years .
15 I like us to think for a little while this morning just what it means to be a Christian , we 've been hearing and seeing and been challenged and accepting Christ as our saviour and over the week in Harlow a number made that response and not only in Harlow and in Earls Court but right across the country and into Europe and into Africa as well , through the , through the life link , men and women who have been challenged into accepting Jesus Christ as their saviour and I 'd like us to think for a little while this morning just what it means to be a Christian now obviously as we perhaps know er , and , and , and God work clearly shows to us that it is not in being religion , somebody well said that religion is man 's attempt to find God but the gospel is God 's method of seeking out and finding men and so just as the same as you 've seen that bridge of life illustration and we try with our planks to get across to God we ca n't make it ,
16 While there are no confirmed reports of women who have been sterilized against their will or without their knowledge , many women have mentioned friends who have been sterilized without their permission and it is a common belief that it takes place .
17 The 1982 BCS found that 10 per cent of assault victims were women who has been attacked by present or previous husbands or boyfriends ( Hough and Mayhew 1983 ) .
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