Example sentences of "every [noun] he [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 With one exception , he won every case he presented to the VAT tribunal — the exception being when the tribunal decided it did not have the jurisdiction to hear the case .
2 Every Friday he lunches in the Glasgow Art Club with about a dozen friends and only displays momentary irritation when he fails to hear an occasional bon mot .
3 Because HAI was in its infancy , in every job he filled during the first few years he had an American opposite number , sometimes with 30 years ' experience of the industry .
4 She could n't relax ; she could hear every move he made through the flimsy wall , and each one stretched her nerves tight .
5 I was touched when my dad told me that every night he stood on the back doorstep and said goodnight to John .
6 Every day he works with the defence and makes sure everything is tight .
7 A DESPERATE businessman saved his company from bankruptcy by gambling every penny he had on the spin of a wheel .
8 Every morning he runs along the deck upside down on his hands .
9 It was impossible to listen to Joyce without believing that he meant every word he said about the ‘ cleaning up ’ of dissenters and racial groups when the Fascists should take power .
10 Every word he spoke to the kidnappers , you listened to . ’
11 Curiously enough , it is introduced by Palomar , yearning for the knowledge provided by precise denomination : every summer he listens to the birds in the garden and does not know what birds they are .
12 Apparently he was quite charming , but as the basis of his charm seemed to rest upon the un-startling stratagem of addressing every female he encountered by the fullest possible version of her name ( so that every Julie became a Juliana , every Dot extended to a Dorothea , all Marys became Mariana , Sues Susanna , etc .
13 Little wonder , really , she acknowledged ruefully — she 'd seen women in the building all but swoon at his feet every time he walked down the corridor .
14 Wonderful man , but completely uniform , he was a proper character , he looked ridiculous every time he walked down the street , you know .
15 ‘ He said that every time he returned to the kidnappers to present an offer worked out after lengthy discussions with the family , claiming that this was the absolute maximum the Milettis could afford to pay , the gang accused him of lying .
16 On his right , Doyle 's pale blue eyes were steady under the black hair , his face doubly familiar and hated because Tug saw something very like it every time he looked into the mirror .
17 He was still suffering from blackheads and other rash problems which jolted his vanity every time he looked in the mirror .
18 Buttons was played by a young Tommy Steele and Ken was Portia , a sister so ugly that he almost frightened himself every time he looked in the mirror .
19 He got to his feet and tried to fly up to get at Bower-bird , but every time he leaped into the air he fell back to earth .
20 He passes through it every time he rides to the old earth fort on the crest .
21 Peter even had an audience , 21,000 watching and screaming every time he came with the ball from behind , their knuckles going white as they gripped their seats at Stamford Bridge .
22 so every time he looks in the mirror he 'll know
23 Eb could not scream for help , because his jaws were gagged with a handful of dirty cotton-waste , and every time he slipped on the wet paving-stones , they hauled him back to his feet with a blow and a curse , dragging him with them .
24 I do not know which gramophone company the Secretary of State works for , Mr. Speaker , but we hear the same old gramophone record every time he comes to the Dispatch Box .
25 He felt that every time he spoke on the subject or appeared on television , some young person might stop smoking or might be persuaded not to even start .
26 He remembered now ; he always felt the same by this stage of every visit he made to the Dysons ' house in the daytime , while the children were about .
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