Example sentences of "used [prep] the [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The internal courier system was used for the return of questionnaires which , although anonymous , were coded by subdivision ( the key to the code known only by the author ) so reminders and thank you letters could be sent .
2 On 10 November 1921 , a new agreement was drawn up between the Company and Croydon Corporation for maintenance of track within the Borough and to permit the construction of a curve at the top of Tamworth Road , only to be used for the transfer of cars .
3 The house was used for the making of cloth until well into the seventeenth century .
4 Previously , the emperor had received the sword from God ; now he received it , after it had rested ( like the pallium used for the investiture of archbishops ) on the body of St Peter , from the hands of the pope ( " however unworthy " , as Innocent said ) , not from God but from his vicar .
5 The term molality is also used for the composition of solutions ( see chapter 6 ) .
6 The Hall is regularly used for the instruction of music students and for concerts .
7 Although the development officers ’ budget was almost entirely used for the payment of support workers it could also be used for the purchase of goods ( for example a single bed for a client coming out of hospital ) but not for the purchase of other services .
8 The scheme is designed for the younger ( less than 36 years old ) organic chemist , the funds to be used for the purchase of equipment , books and consumables , technical assistance , professional travel or any other activity directly related to the research being undertaken .
9 Letter of thanks from Mrs Cunning of the music department of Currie High School expressing her thanks for the cheque for £10 sent to be used for the purchase of music .
10 There was , as at St Peters in Gloucester , often a mill in close proximity to the Abbey ( the precinctual mill ) , mainly used for the preparation of flour for the Order 's use .
11 ‘ It was all cooked together , Inspector , but that for the high table was placed there , ’ Auguste explained , pointing to a corner table , ‘ and the rest was carried into the other kitchen , which is usually used for the preparation of food and storage .
12 Data and information gained from empirical observation and experience are necessary for explanations which can then be used for the building-up of theory .
13 It is pointed out that whilst derivative instruments can be used for the management of investment risk , some investments are unsuitable for many investors .
14 Haselkorn has argued that the USSR has also established aerial staging networks which were used for the airlift of arms to Angola and Ethiopia in the 1970s and which are of paramount importance for Soviet access strategy in the Third World .
15 SIR , — Surfactant treatment is now widely used for the treatment of hyaline membrane disease ( HMD ) in the preterm infant .
16 Contact with oil or oily machinery can lead to pimples , while certain drugs used for the treatment of disease may cause acne as a side effect .
17 Part One ( Chapters 1 to 6 ) looks at the tools needed for plumbing and then at the various pipes and fittings used for the majority of jobs .
18 Ketotifen , a drug used for the prevention of asthma , was found to decrease significantly the extent and severity of experimental colitis in two rat models .
19 It is granted in respect of premises which are adapted and used for the provision of refreshments including food and non-alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises , and which do not contain a bar counter .
20 In the famous scene where Piggy 's spectacles are used for the rediscovery of fire , William Golding got his optics wrong .
21 The wheel may be used for the identification of objects , for forming original sentences based on the pictures , and for building up stories around the picture ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
22 A human touch was added to Nash 's report : ‘ I could heartily wish more respect were paid to the remains of this amiable though unfortunate Queen , and would willingly , with proper leave , have them wrapt in another sheet of lead and coffin , and decently interred in some proper place , that at least after her death her body might remain in peace ; whereas the Chapel where she now lies is used for the keeping of rabbits , which make holes and scratch very indecently about her Royal corpse . ’
23 It became known as the Astral Works in 1887 , and was used for the generation of electricity .
24 The problem is , however , that state radio stations are not intended to be used for the purpose of broadcasting beyond state frontiers ; indeed , it was decided in 1978 to forbid these stations from using short wave transmitters with sufficient power to reach other states .
25 Its essential circuitry is much used for the purpose of frequency selection in electronic equipment , for example , in controlling the output frequency of an electronic oscillator .
26 It is also used for the teaching of study skills to S1 and S2 classes and as a resource base for many subjects .
27 When Vladislav moved to the castle , the tower was left incomplete and was subsequently used for the storage of gunpowder .
28 It is easy to see that this was a practical means of enclosing a large volume which then could be used for the storage of grain , and the profile is reminiscent of the gambrel-roofed hay barns in the USA .
29 The purchase of basement premises in Altrincham ( previously used for the storage of bank records ) with a view to converting them into a restaurant to be called ‘ The Altrincham Cellar ’ .
30 The premises were previously used for the storage of bank records .
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