Example sentences of "things that [vb base] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There 's four things that go into a blast furnace .
2 Ed and Johnny were sporting foolish party hat and blowing those paper things that uncurl like a chameleon 's tongue and go baarrrp .
3 You mentioned earlier on that that perhaps er like with Guy Fawkes , there 's a lot of things that come from the past , from our history and we lose Perhaps we lose a bit of sight about where they 've come from .
4 I like all things that grow from the soil .
5 The observable things that happen to the child immediately after the problem behaviour occurs .
6 It would enclose within it , a traditional economic development strategy for the work this Committee 's helping , but it should look in a wider issue , and seek to influence wider , wider things that happen within the county .
7 And how they choose to spend it can affect things that happen in the world .
8 Dave : ‘ Human beings , rats and pigeons , they 're all survivors , they 're the only things that live in the city . ’
9 Even the grass makes more grass , and all the small things that live in the grass reproduce their kind , until summer is over .
10 Why is it that there is such total myopia in business about the things that lead to the release of human energy and talent ?
11 The cap , then , falls within an overall grand vision of chanciness and risk ; Liputin 's teeth are by no means the only things that hang by a thread .
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