Example sentences of "rather [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How many patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia have been discharged in the last year to a hostel or shelter rather than to a home of their own ? ’
2 The absence of a significant difference in LTA recurrence rates , however , may represent a type II error due to inadequate numbers towards the end of the study , rather than to a lack of effect .
3 If this is so , then the directors of a company would continue to be accountable to a share price rather than to a body of committed stakeholders .
4 For the first time since Hugh Schonfield 's Passover Plot in 1963 , certain questions pertaining to the New Testament , to Jesus and to the origins of Christianity , were raised to the general reading public — to the so-called ‘ mass market ’ , rather than to a cadre of academic specialists and theologians .
5 We argued in this chapter for an interactive model of these two kinds of processing rather than for a model in which syntactic and semantic analyses are carried out independently .
6 Matilda later reported that as her father tore off her veil , he swore ‘ that he had destined me as a wife for Count Alan rather than for a community of nuns ’ .
7 Deductive markers provide a linguistic means of signalling the deductive/empirical distinction : they signal that what follows should be interpreted as a conclusion rather than as a description of an event/state .
8 The Squirrel was one of the first light turbine helicopters designed primarily for civil operation rather than as a modification of a design intended for military use .
9 Stop time minus Start time but then this needs to be expressed in hours — rather than as a fraction of a day .
10 In fact , the ‘ aesthetic ’ is discussed on the course , but as a problematic rather than as a response to literature .
11 He sees the slump as an opportunity for natural selection — and corporate evolution — rather than as a problem with the economy .
12 The House debates a Bill on Second Reading and it is passed by chance rather than as a benefit of the arguments .
13 By contrast , however , a broadly conceived information skills course was presented as essential for topic work rather than as a facilitator of the separate work of subject departments .
14 Unfortunately these bacterial products have usually been considered as alternatives to a synthetic pesticide , rather than as a component of IPM .
15 Political power is therefore seen as a result of greater capacity to manipulate residues or to impose coercion , as a quality inherent in the individual rather than as a characteristic of societal relationships .
16 The first task of working out a method whereby society can be apprehended as a social system for the organization of production , rather than as a structure of consciously realized institutions , is only sketched out in The German Ideology , but it was to be developed in all of Marx 's later work , and it culminated in the analysis of capitalism contained in the three volumes of Capital .
17 There has been a balance Chair , and , and hence the fact that we 've knocked it off as an efficiency saving rather than as a reduction in service .
18 Both may be used as a shopping method ( selected for its convenience ) rather than as a type of credit .
19 But putting up more candidates increases the danger that each of them will contend as an individual rather than as a member of a team : it makes the campaign harder to co-ordinate .
20 On the cross Christ himself came to be portrayed as a man in agony rather than as a God in majesty .
21 It is so much easier to understand detailed and complicated financial figures when they are explained graphically rather than as a mass of figures on a piece of paper .
22 The other Great Reforms of the 1860s , affecting the judicial system , the press , and the universities , made little impact on the peasantry , and although they gained a minority voice on the new local government bodies ( the zemstva ) set up in 1864 , they viewed them as an additional burden rather than as a vehicle for their own interests .
23 The whole thrust of the article seems designed to justify BR 's corporate performance against a shortfall of government funding , and while you accept and refer to the shocking conditions experienced by passengers , you do so as if this was a problem imposed on BR rather than as a function of its own management performance at operating level .
24 Elections to the Länder governments are treated much like by-elections in Britain , as a way of expressing a mid-term opinion of the Federal Government , rather than as a way of choosing a significantly different local or regional government .
25 Although iridology is used primarily as a means of detecting problems before other symptoms appear rather than as a way of treating those problems , many iridologists are also herbalists or homoeopaths and can go on to work towards effecting a cure .
26 While the above advantages are undeniable , and would all have a positive bearing on the regulation of insider dealing , self-regulation is better seen as a complement to , rather than as a replacement of , formal regulatory measures .
27 Our leader , according to this approach , will allow others to develop , to act as an enabler rather than as a director of subordinates .
28 The first line of defence of established literary study against culturalist pressures is to emphasize ‘ literature as literature ’ rather than as a version of philosophy , history , sociology , and so forth .
29 Zuwaya asserted in political discussion that no man was better than another ( a principle used in argument , rather than as a guide to action ) ; but when they spoke about distributive justice they put little emphasis on economic egalitarianism .
30 However , this system was devised primarily as a means of internal management control over the business sectors , rather than as a guide to the allocation of the PSO grant .
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