Example sentences of "when he [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was the Republicans ' defeated presidential candidate in 1960 , and the man who had stomped out of a press conference in 1962 when he failed to win the governorship of California , telling the reporters that they would n't ‘ have Nixon to kick around any more ’ .
2 And there were times when he had to stop the car and put the bloody bottle on him .
3 Turning the attack back on Doyle was a way of defending her — and of putting off the moment when he had to answer the question himself .
4 On more than one occasion he had had to remove a dead dog from the highway and take it in his barrow to the incinerator , and there were times when he had to take the place of a night watchman who had been taken ill on one of the larger roadworks and stay there until he could be relieved .
5 It baffled even his friends this week when he declined to attend the memorial services for the Solingen victims .
6 The special relationship Finniston forged between top management and the work-force at British Steel is epitomised by the fact that he was given farewell parties by each of the seven major steelworks when he came to leave the corporation at the end of ten years .
7 I said there was to be a sale , but I would ask the solicitor ; and afterwards , when he came to take the barometer away , he took it down from the wall very , very gently .
8 David Harper discovered the latest damage on Friday when he went to open the shop .
9 Derek Fielding then had the further unpleasant experience of coming across some of his father 's ashes when he went to recover the cask which had been dumped near a newsagent .
10 Since childhood Wycliffe had experienced episodes when he seemed to see the world about him through fresh eyes , as though , without warning , he had become an intruder in some foreign place , and he would be overcome by the strangeness of it all .
11 It seems Cantona kicked one of the Galatsaray subs when he tried to hide the ball .
12 In 1974 he was fined £75 and banned for three matches when he refused to leave the pitch after being sent off in a Manchester United match .
13 This epic work is very much Mehra 's creation , the result of an obsession dating back to 1952 , when he decided to make the study of the history of quantum theory his life 's work .
14 Venables did manage to have some impact on the proceedings in the 65th minute , when he appeared to prompt the substitution of the inept Gordon Durie for Nick Barmby .
15 Even opportunities to serve , without rank or pay , as a volunteer , could be elusive , and even previous military experience was of little assistance , as Lieutenant Callander discovered when he attempted to rejoin the army as a volunteer in a regiment about to embark for India .
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