Example sentences of "end [prep] the first [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the first teaching practice I asked the teacher tutors ( who had all had experience of the previous system ) to make any comments they cared to about the new set-up .
2 At the end of the first lap Walker was 30 metres clear and eventually came home 200 metres ahead of Reid who finished on 9:6.8 , 28 second adrift with Egeler finishing third further eight seconds in arrears .
3 At the end of the first year Susan realised that although the business was profitable she could hardly take out enough money to live on because she was heavily reliant on her bank and creditors already .
4 At the end of the first day Ruth presented herself to Mrs Carson .
5 At the end of the first circuit Brown Chamberlin , who had been jumping sketchily , was pulled up , and as the field came past the stands and swung away into the country again Bregawn kept up his gallop .
6 By the end of the first scene Blanche has had her first ‘ flashback ’ to the Casino , where her husband killed himself .
7 er , if the , if the , er service charge costs had gone up in the meantime , obviously after you reached the end of the first accounting period you have some accounts to go on and you have a much better idea of what the costs are actually going to be
8 After the end of the first World War she was active in the co-operative movement and the Labour Party , which was not common for a woman of her background in those early years .
9 At the end of the First World War it was confidently and almost universally assumed that after a short time money would be back to its pre-war value and market prices ( including market rents ) to their pre-war levels .
10 The end of the First World War was accompanied by unmistakable evidence that the population of the greater part of Ireland had no intention of remaining within the United Kingdom ; and when the attempt to force a home rule constitution upon them provoked a rebellion , Britain had to recognise defeat , but insisted upon the Irish Free State accepting what was called Canadian status by recognising the King Emperor as its representative for external purposes .
11 But Knox , who was the most brilliant orator of his generation at Oxford — star of the Union , wit , punster in tongues ancient and modern — had left Oxford before the end of the First World War to become a Roman Catholic , and after his return there as chaplain to the Catholics , it was perhaps understandable that he should have kept a low profile .
12 By the late 1930s , the birth rate was about three-quarters of what it had been at the end of the First World War .
13 Following the end of the First World War , the leading question in the mining industry was whether or not the state would return the coal mines to their pre-war owners .
14 By the end of the First World War Binding had logged more than 3,000 airship hours and established himself as one of the most experienced and , as his service record stated , ‘ capable airship engineers . ’
15 Towards the end of the First World War , Lord Leverhulme , the Lancashire businessman who created Unilever , bought the Island of Lewis to develop it .
16 With the end of the First World War , the Germans left , but did not remove their client State .
17 All fees were abolished — they had gone from elementary schools in 1918 , at the end of the First World War , and now parents in Cardiff would not have to pay ten guineas per annum for access to Blake and Donne .
18 Blackpool has only once bought second-hand trams , and then in an emergency at the end of the First World War .
19 The lack of a proper repair works was keenly felt at the end of the First World War , when the fleet was very run-down .
20 The storm clouds gathering over Leeds City broke almost a year after the end of the First World War .
21 Echoing this anxiety over the future of democracy at the end of the First World War , another government inspector wrote of the need to keep working-class youth ‘ in touch with ‘ the forces of civilisation ’ , for it was necessary always to keep in mind that ‘ we are training a whole social class ’ .
22 English China Clays , a company formed at the end of the First World War , inherited the wastelands of more than a century of china clay workings , and then increased their extent .
23 Rituals have always been more colourful in ‘ Catholic ’ countries than Protestant ones , but many Protestant rites survived until the end of the First World War .
24 In his classic monetarist analysis of inflation published just after the end of the First World War , J.M. Keynes wrote :
25 In 1944 the Labour Party , in sharp contrast to its statements at the end of the First World War , declared : ‘ It is better to have too much armed force than too little . ’
26 Based on a ten year study the report shows remaining areas of woodland and those lost since the end of the First World War .
27 Another book claimed that by the end of the First World War much of the old prejudice against women having an equal place with men in society had gone .
28 In discussing the rise of fascism in Germany , for example , Poulantzas claims that , ‘ With the end of the First World War , a genuinely revolutionary period opened in Germany and Italy .
29 For special advice on this subject AIB turns to Roger Green of the RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine at Farnborough , where such things have been studied since the end of the First World War .
30 Freud fails to mention explicitly the way in which nationalism may exhibit these characteristics too , even though he was writing just after the end of the First World War .
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