Example sentences of "before [v-ing] [adv prt] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The narrow fissure stretched some twenty-five feet into the cliff before opening up into the tiny cave .
2 Nield , from Cheshire , joined up as a boy in a junior leaders battalion before passing out into the Royal Engineers .
3 At first he will be greatly praised by his people , before sinking down into the dark pit of sin and pride .
4 Pupils are receiving occult teaching , and are studying the science of life — before going out into the larger world to relieve the stress of humanity , to teach mankind the Divine Wisdom , God 's Plan for the World , Evolution — to bring happiness to the unhappy , peace to the warring , and the only true happiness is found through service and brotherhood .
5 ‘ You Be My Friend ’ is more flailing fun , with farting guitar from grotesque Manics reject , Crispin , and ‘ Pink Flower ’ begins rabidly before drifting off into the Eeky Squeaky Ooky Kooky Land where the other songs — and I use the term out of tradition rather than fact — live .
6 Following her normal routine , she had changed out of her show glitter back into a long and relatively modest black evening dress before slipping back into the main section of the club .
7 A friend treated her to a pukkah drinks-dispensing butler who asked if he might make a personal remark before teetering off into the small hours .
8 At least one species of African bushbaby , for example , cups its hands and urinates upon them before setting off into the African night .
9 We 're not good at anything else , ’ he says , before disappearing back into the infernal noise .
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