Example sentences of "during [art] last [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 Goody himself in a later essay points out that ‘ at least during the last 2,000 years the vast majority of peoples of the world ( most of Eurasia and much of Africa ) have lived in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write ’ ( 1968 , p. 4 ) .
2 Dawson 's first book , The Age of the Gods ( 1928 ) , subtitled A Study in the Origins of Culture in Prehistoric Europe and the Ancient East , began by noting that ‘ During the last thirty years the great development of archaeological and anthropological studies has prepared the way for a new conception of history . ’
3 But neither the Ecclesiastical Courts nor the Common Law Courts are well adapted to settle the numerous conflicting rights of creditors , legatees , and next of kin ; trusts are often involved , and during the last two centuries the most effectual and usual method of asserting a claim to or against the estate of a deceased person is to get the estate administered in Chancery .
4 The effect here is that during the last five years the Conservatives have played no part in the management of this county whatsoever , and it has been left to the other two parties to come to an agreement .
5 During the last fifty years the church musician as a kind of freelance ‘ general practitioner ’ has been increasingly replaced by those who derive their livelihood more as school music teachers than from their appointment as parish organists .
6 It has been said that ‘ … during the last forty years the United Kingdom has moved away from the nationality citizenship model ’ .
7 In M & S Drapers v Reynolds [ 1956 ] 3 All ER 814 Denning LJ said : During the last 40 years the courts have shown a reluctance to enforce covenants of this sort .
8 During the last 30 years the rise of an international market for recordings and the renewed interest in earlier repertory have done much to enhance the English drive towards higher choral standards which began ( it might be claimed ) at King 's College , Cambridge , in the 1920's .
9 During the last few years the Printing Division has been able to offer photosetting via its P.E .
10 During the last few years the notion of ‘ citizenship ’ has been increasingly and widely discussed amongst different constituencies addressing different aspects of the topic , with somewhat confusing consequences .
11 During the last few years the EMS has become a central plank of EC policy , and Economic and MOnetary Union has become the linchpin of the project for European Union constitutionalized in the Treaty on European Union .
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