Example sentences of "during [art] [adj] [noun pl] before [art] " in BNC.

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1 Neither may it appoint anyone who is or may have been a member , officer or employee of a local authority or voluntary organisation and who has in that capacity been directly concerned with arrangements for the child 's care , accommodation or welfare during the five years before the proceedings .
2 A similar approach has been used in the attempt to define the extent of the Celtic kingdoms in Britain during the hundred years before the Roman conquest of AD43 ( fig. 7 ) .
3 All subjects were asked not to take any drug during the two days before the study .
4 He was said to have sniffed glue during the two days before the attack at a shop in Bath .
5 During the two centuries before the Turkish invasions the territory of present-day Montenegro comprised the Serbian principality of Zeta .
6 Many of the rituals and formalities of diplomacy changed only slowly , sometimes hardly at all , during the two centuries before the French revolution .
7 Thus , the work of Fama et al on the significance of scrip issues indicated that the issues themselves did not tell the market anything it did not already know from its analysis of the company 's performance during the 30 months before the split .
8 The Fitzallan 's played leading parts in Scottish life over several generations : the third Steward , Alan 's son , was appointed Justiciary for Scotland by King Alexander II ; the fourth fought at the Battle of Largs and was a Crusader ; and the fifth was appointed a Guardian of Scotland during the troubled times before the rise of William Wallace .
9 Pressures and activities of this kind were a facet of the increasingly active discussion of problems of international peace , and the ways in which it might be preserved , which were preoccupying many radicals and idealists in western Europe during the last decades before the war .
10 During the three months before the move the two bases will continue to be maintained fully staffed .
11 No one had taken any antacids , bismuth preparations , or other drugs to treat dyspepsia within the past year and nobody was taking antibiotics during the three months before the study .
12 Exclusion criteria included previous gastric surgery , known bleeding diathesis , oral anticoagulation , or recent ( during the three months before the study ) treatment with bismuth compounds , antisecretory agents ( H 2 antagonists , omeprazole ) , or antibiotics .
13 Milner-Gibson had made nine solo landings in recces of the beaches during the three weeks before the raid , but on the night his boat 's compass proved faulty and others lost their way .
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