Example sentences of "during the first year of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 During the first year of life children seem to become aware of objects and to realise that objects behave in quite different ways to themselves and to other people .
2 Anxious children showed a slightly different pattern : there were often marked increases in fears and worries during the first year of life of the sibling .
3 During the first year of life weight gain is due to increase in size of fat cells , but from 12 to 18 months increase in weight is due primarily to an increase in fat cell number ( Knittle et al .
4 Many mothers do not even try to toilet train their children until the age of 2 years or later while others deliberately train their child during the first year of life ( Douglas and Richman 1984 ) .
5 The proportion of infants exposed to smoking by their mothers , from other family members , from non-household sources and from more than one of these sources , increased significantly during the first year of life .
6 The greatest changes in sleep in humans take place during the first year of life , with the normal one-year-old showing essentially the same patterns of sleep as the adult , although in different proportions of stages , and with a recognizably different EEG .
7 The Black Report produced evidence which showed that during the first year of life , illness , rather than accidents , is the main cause of death .
8 However , the under 20 age group includes 18–19-year-old mothers whose children , under conditions of relatively low levels of overall infant mortality , have about the same low , or even lower , risk of dying during the first year of life as those born to women in the age group 25–29 years and face a much lower risk than those born to mothers below 18 years of age .
9 Although the effect of combined schedules on wild virus circulation has not been established , large reductions in the incidence of paralytic disease were achieved in the Israeli-occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza following routine administration of two doses of IPV and five doses of OPV during the first year of life .
10 Special problems are associated with calculations of infant mortality because of the rapid decline in the death rate during the first year of life .
11 We describe an inverse relation between tPA antigen values in patients recovered from an MI and the cardiovascular complications recorded during the first year of follow-up .
12 The progress during the first year of recovery will vary from one person to another but for most people this first year in any Fellowship is spent mainly in compliance : doing what is suggested by people more experienced in the Anonymous Fellowships , attending meetings , contributing to them and giving practical service in them , progressively working the 12 Steps with the guidance of a sponsor and generally learning to use the various suggested techniques of staying away from one 's primary addictive substance or behaviour and learning to deal with stressful situations in a more appropriate manner than previously .
13 Some widows , for instance , show signs of bitterness and anger , particularly during the first year of bereavement .
14 Helen , however , was still imprisoned in the fears and longings that had marked her life during the first years of puberty and was obsessed with the idea that she would never marry and have children .
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