Example sentences of "to have been [art] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er there seems to have been a rash of resignations recently , it all started with David Gower , then Graham Taylor and last week we heard that Mary Whitehouse is standing down now it 's Joan and thank you Joan for your sterling work as ticket subscription secretary Joan reorganized the system and I 'm sure that whoever takes over from Joan will start with an immaculate set of facts and figures .
2 There appears to have been a return to narrative , with more titles published and more copies sold ( although it must always be borne in mind that the Italian literary market is a relatively small one ) .
3 But Fermi requires there to have been a change of sign .
4 There seems to have been a hierarchy of colours , ranging from grey , to red for the principal rooms .
5 There would seem to have been a shortage of silver in Northumbria from the 790s on , certainly for minting purposes .
6 His will , executed on 12 December 1760 , shows him to have been a man of substance .
7 Eventually neither proposal found favour , but they prove Francis Maginn to have been a man of vision and ahead of his times in his thinking .
8 To use Hirschi and Gottfredson 's ( 1986 ) terminology , there seems to have been a retreat from explanations of criminality , to explanations of crime — from explaining criminal dispositions , to explaining ( or rather preventing ) criminal acts .
9 Others were sent by servants to families ; this series was written in 1911–12 by George Comfort who seems to have been a gardener at Buscot Park in Oxfordshire in its heyday .
10 When the security forces sought to empty the pastor 's house of its possessions , a human chain of several dozen formed around the house , setting in train a flood of protest that was to escalate into what appears to have been a massacre on Sunday .
11 Lack of academic training does not appear to have been a handicap for Roddick .
12 From discussions within a racially mixed group of sixty pupils , both from the fourth and fifth year , there seems to have been a consensus of opinion that the streaming system does not truly reflect ability .
13 The breakthrough against the NPA was believed to have been a result of information seized in August 1990 when NPA operations chief Afredo Simbulan was arrested .
14 At the offices of Faber and Faber , also , there seems to have been a succession of jokes ( firecrackers in the coal scuttle on the Fourth of July ) and spoof letters .
15 The bombardment destroyed our first system , of course , and there seem to have been a lot of gas shells landing amongst our gunners — those that were n't killed — and they say the Hun did a lot of damage with his trench mortars and those awful Minenwerfers .
16 I suppose in the nineteen fifties we all thought that was the answer to energy production , but there seem to have been a lot of problems over these since then .
17 There seem to have been a lot of people who took up painting for a while and then dropped it : often enough , like the young Roger Vadim , to become a cineaste or a designer in the lively world of small theatres ( which are also extensively documented in the Pavillon des Arts . )
18 Well , there seems to have been a lot of ill-advice about .
19 His entire career in industry seems to have been a series of opportunities seized with relish .
20 By this period he was seriously addicted to the tranquillizer , nembutal , and there seem to have been a number of objects to which he attached his fears — lifts and large animals among them .
21 I am sorry to say this , but there would appear to have been a number of houses in recent times , some of the highest pedigree , which have tended to take a competitive attitude towards each other and have not been above ‘ showing off ’ to guests a butler 's mastery of such trivial accomplishments .
22 For Richard it seems to have been a period of reconciliation : with Sebrand Chabot , who was allowed to return to his see in April 1180 , and with Aimar of Limoges , who arrived back at Christmas of the same year .
23 What was to have been a lesson in geography looks like turning into a lesson in harsh economics .
24 One of his earliest works bears also the name of the potter Andokides , and he seems to have been a pupil of Psiax .
25 There is also a European tradition that precedes the work of Tamm , associated with the name of Bogdanovskaya-Gienef ( 1926 ) who seems to have been a pupil of Sukatschev and to have influenced the reductionist approach to ecology later developed by Rabotnov , Uranov and their pupils in Russia .
26 Ceolred is said not to have been a son of Osthryth , so that if he were the son of Aethelred by a subsequent marriage after Osthryth 's death , he would have been aged only about 10 or 11 at his accession .
27 In 799 Ealdorman Moll , whose name may have family associations , was killed by the urgent orders of King Eardwulf ; and Ealhmund , said by some to have been a son of King Alhred , was seized by Eardwulf 's men and put to death in 800 .
28 Rhun is thought to have been a son of Urien of Rheged ( see above , p. 78 ) , and Oswiu 's marriage to Riemmelth may have cemented an alliance with the north British principality of Rheged as another important strand in the web of alliances which conspired to overthrow Eadwine .
29 Mr Greene claimed that in Britain campaigns aimed at the population as a whole had been shown to have been a waste of money and there had been a change of policy to target the high-risk groups such as homosexuals and intravenous drug users .
30 From their shapes , these marks seem to have been a form of writing .
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