Example sentences of "to have [adj] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's fairly common for young babies who are long-sighted at six months , for example , to have normal vision by the time they 're four .
2 I wanted to have that control in the studio , being able to step in at any moment . ’
3 Foreign investors are better acquainted with customs and practices in the eurobond market and they are also widely believed to have strong preferences for the anonymity of bearer securities and for the receipt of interest payments without deduction of tax .
4 In making this joint judgement , it is nevertheless the manager 's responsibility to have due regard to the experience of the employees concerned and the anticipated nature of the interaction .
5 He accompanied King James on the visit which he made to Scotland to impose episcopacy , and in his sermons there supported him in this venture , which was to have calamitous results for the monarchy in the next reign .
6 ( a ) People with parental responsibility Every person whom the applicant believes to have parental responsibility for the child is entitled to respondent status in all proceedings under the Act .
7 The parties to an application for a care or supervision order are : ( a ) the applicant ; ( b ) the child ; ( c ) every person whom the applicant believes to have parental responsibility for the child .
8 Parents are expected to have total confidence in the school yet schools do n't often reciprocate trust and confidence in the judgement and goodwill of parents .
9 My contract said very clearly that I had to have complete control of the making of the film , so I asked Darryl Zanuck if he would please replace me and I would give him the necessary time to find someone else .
10 Other electrical frequencies are known to have specific effects on the body .
11 The BF , despite its short connection with Webster , was to have little relevance for the development of a native fascist ideological tradition .
12 As with the internal market for managerial services , therefore , the external market is likely to have little effect in the face of entrenched management power .
13 Britain appeared to have little interest in the area , Russia was preoccupied with her domestic problems , and in any case the Tsar had never forgiven Austria for her lack of support during the Crimean War .
14 appeared to have little interest in the sort of discussion groups generally seen as furthering mutual support and understanding …
15 The employer of wage labour , by contrast , did not need to have this concern with the welfare of his workers .
16 ( 4 ) It is advisable to have this item on the Agenda , although it is not always there .
17 Yes , yes , so we then have to , now who is that erm , sorry what are the ones that now have to have this thing in the front of its master job file .
18 The company was formed in 1906 and planned to have 300 electrobuses on the road within a year .
19 Rupture of the hymen could theoretically be a Category 2 offence where the defendant deliberately set out to do so in the belief that he would thereby be able to have sexual intercourse with the woman .
20 Category 2 , with its maximum penalty of 12 years , covers the infliction of actual bodily harm with intent to have sexual intercourse with the victim or a third party who is present or nearby .
21 In their unconscious , they have achieved their wish to have sexual relations with the parent of the opposite sex , or even with the parent of the same sex .
22 Clause 3 , sub-section 1 , paragraph IV most nearly embraces the gallant debate : ‘ Encouraging contractors ’ employees to have proper regard for the public , and to be courteous . ’
23 The point at issue is that both sets of disciplines tend to have different conceptions about the domain and status of proof in the pursuit of knowledge .
24 Various ‘ interest groups ’ in a conflict situation are likely to have different perspectives on the nature of the situation itself , as well as on the particular issues that create it .
25 It was agreed to have further meetings on the issue in advance of the US-Russian summit planned for June in Washington .
26 For example , it is difficult to have direct experience of the past , or of present-day life in far-off parts of the world .
27 As a result of HCIMA 's presentation to the Tourism Intergroup of the European Parliament in Strasbourg in November , the Association was invited to have direct representation on the board of management of the European Foundation for the Accredition of Hotelschools ( EFAH ) .
28 These findings were considered to have direct implications for the development of depression .
29 Having heard the account of her recapture and the sadistic reprisal inflicted on Pam , they were doubly eager to have another go at the sect heavies , and had recruited a further six of their own mates and invited them along to the party .
30 After I 'd got rid of about half the beer I 'd drunk in the Arms , I went to have another look at the Factory .
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